Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Labs Are Wonderful

Recently, on a group of Facebook pages of another breed that I am interested in, there has been a spate of issues over "aggressive dogs."

Many weighed in on the nature/nurture.  And many were upset over how people have dealt with aggressive dogs.

I have been both owned by and the victim of aggressive dogs.  On New Years day this year I was seriously bit by a dog while running.  Riley, my Wheaton Terrier, was a seriously aggressive dog toward small animals and small humans.

Which leads me to labs.  While labs are traditionally sporting dogs, meaning they are bred to hunt, they have also been bred, over the years, to be family dogs.  The first lab I seriously watched was in the patio of a Peets Coffee shop in Berkeley, California.  The dog was laying down while its family enjoyed coffee and pastries.  And a three year old child was crawling all over this dog.  Pulling on it's ears, poking at it's eyes, laying on its stomach.  The dog never flinched.

I am out in the woods with my girls.  People come up from behind me.  They stop and talk with me.  While the girls will bark, which I appreciate, they also wag their tails and envelop who ever if near me.  I have never ever worried about aggression issues.

Labs, labs are wonderful.

Murphy's Day.

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