Wednesday, August 20, 2014

The Health of Living in the Country

Recently I've been thinking about the differences in the girls when they are here in the city versus when we're in eastern Washington.

In the city, they are generally confined to the house, the yard, and various parks that we go to regularly.  In Seattle, dogs are not allowed on beaches, hence unless I go outside the city limits, the girls don't swim in Puget Sound.  And they must be leashed when they are either in a park or walking the streets.

In eastern Washington, the girls can walk out the front door and through 10 acres of fields, Aspen, and Ponderosa pine.  They chase balls, deer, and lay in the sun.  Every day they get to climb into the car or truck and swim in one of the rivers or streams that we explore.  They hike off leash to some amazing lakes, and cork at night from all the exercise.

To keep them happy in the city I give them lots of chews, toys, and treats.  In eastern Washington they rarely need those sorts of things.

Now I'm thinking maybe I need to do the same evaluation of myself!

Murphy's Day.

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