Monday, March 14, 2011

Worried About Japan

Living here on the Pacific Coast, we have a closeness with Japan.  Trade, culture, sensibility, the same or similar fears of living on the "ring of fire."  While I was growing up, my parents were fascinated with all things Japan.  They were into the art of Bonsai, Japanese art, and of course, food.  I distinctly remember many trips to what was then a small little Japanese general store that has now become a huge business, called Uwajimaya, in search of Bonsai pots.

And my Grandfather, a grocer himself, was legendary in establishing his relatives in Japanese strawberry fields during World War Two, to make sure people didn't try to take the property of his Japanese friends while they were interned.  Those families have been friends of the McDonalds forever.

And so, we now turn to Japan.  Our friends.  Waves of earth movements and salt water have wrecked havoc on these small islands.  Sure, they were prepared, prepare more than we, here in Seattle, probably are, but there is still enormous suffering and sorrow.

Our hearts are with you.

Murphy's Day.

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