Friday, January 6, 2012


People keep asking me what it is like to have three big dogs.  I have to admit it's work, but really, all three of them are going out of their way to make this easy for me.  Willa is a character, full of the ol' Nick as my mother used to say.  It helps that Sage is a very mature dog, she is, in a sense, able to take care of herself.  She loves attention, her belly rubs are vital, but she walks without a leash almost every where, and is patient when it comes to food,, she lets Willa and Annie for that matter, know who is top dog.  It's Sage!

Annie is having a puppyhood.  She really didn't get a lot of time with playing with other dogs when she was a pup.  So every day the house withstands chases, catch-me-if-you-cans between both dogs.  They wrestle, play, and nip with amazing energy.

And Willa?  Well, she is a fast learner.  She is finding her place in the hierarchy.  It's great.  I love watching her figure it out.  She has the "scratching her head" look perfected.


It's not easy, but it's absolutely worth it!

Murphy's Day.

1 comment:

Dar said...

Your crew and your pictures could produce a respectable calendar. Happy New Years and welcome to owning a Black Lab!

River and Kenda

Willa;great name!