Monday, January 9, 2012


I am owned by three labs.  One was weaned in a pen with a dead duck.  Her father (this is Annie) is a hunting champion.  Sage was bred in duck hunting heaven, Easton, Maryland.  Surrounded by water, she was born to look gorgeous, but also to hunt.  Willa's parents, both of them, are flushers of upland game.

With this in mind, we set off to go birding.  Not just any birding, Snow geese.  The Skagit Valley, north of us from Seattle, is known for attracting migrating Snow geese.  They love the seeds in the fallow fields.  Along with the geese there are usually Bald eagles, down from Alaska finished feeding on Alaskan salmon, looking now for spawning steelhead.  And various other waterfowl....

It was about time to teach my bird dogs how to bird.

Murphy's Day.

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