Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Great Inventions

More than likely I have mentioned this one before, but several years ago I bought this screen for the back door.  When I am home, which is a lot, and it's warm, I leave the back door open so the girls can go in and out.  Finally, one summer, I got fed up with all the flies coming in the house.  One night I had dinner at friends' and they had this marvelous screen with a slit in the middle, so their cat could go in and out.  Wow.  Within minutes of being home, I'd ordered one, now I have two, one in Seattle and one in eastern Washington.  They are fantastic.  Dogs love the freedom, I love the lack of flies.

And made in the USA.  In fact, made locally!  Locally sourced!  Love it.

Murphy's Day.

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