Monday, October 27, 2008


This is a quick one.  Hence no pic.

I find myself counting more and more these days.  I count the number of hours, or minutes, left to sleep after I wake up in the middle of the night.  Last night, it was 2 AM and I could hear Murph wandering around downstairs, licking her food bowl, then wandering.  I know I have a little more than 2 hours to sleep.  

I count the number of times I change Murphy's bedding during the day.

And of course, I count the number of times Sage gives me those big brown eyes looking for a treat (an infinite amount every day!).

There are many many things I can not quantify with Murphy.  Those amazing moments of joy, of sheer happiness we have shared.  Playing "I've got it" as we chased tennis ball together, the hikes, her swimming to me when I've been fishing, and now, the ears perking up when she knows I am near-by.  No way to count all of those moments.

Murphy's day. 

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