Thursday, October 2, 2008

Bail-outs and Rescues

We have been contemplating language recently.  Apparently the policy makers in DC have been told to talk about the bail out as a rescue.  Seems more helpful, that people will want to rescue something rather than bailing out.  It's all in packaging the idea.

It seems to me that there is nothing wrong with rescues or bail outs.  Except, after the Red Cross has distributed blankets and the damage is being cleaned up, it's also time to talk about whether building in flood plains is a good idea.  But for some reason, we keep building there and we keep bailing out or rescuing.  

While there is a time to act during an emergency, it is also time, I think, to talk, along with the rescue plans, what we can do to make sure we are not in a similar place.  Those discussions need to happen simultaneously or we will be here again.

Murphy's day.

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