Thursday, August 28, 2008

Wonderful Friends

A prerogative of old age is being able to repeat myself.  I know I have said this time and time again, but we have great friends.

This week I had dinner with my friends whose Golden recently had the same surgery as Sage.  Their gorgeous and endearing girl seems to be feeling better, greeting me with many woofs and a few licks on my knees as we ate dinner.  Nothing better.  We share a love for our dogs, and I was able to talk about my fears of Murphy's aging.  

Each day, each moment now, is a gift.  Helping her up the stairs, feeding her, sitting beside her on the floor to just hold her.  As I came through the door last night, Sage gave me a royal welcome, then sniffed to see why I had been with someone else (I had to reassure her I was not with John Edwards!).  And Murphy came into the mix, waiting patiently for me to acknowledge her, to give her love.

She gives every day.  She is a wonderful friend to everyone she's met.  And so are the folks, the friends, who know and care for her.  Thank you all.

Murphy's day.

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