Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Rainy Days

It has been wet here in the PNW.  Rainy days.  On Monday, Sage barely stirred from her crate, even though the door was wide open, she just cuddled in there with Monkey Baby and slept, cracking an eye when I walked by.  Same thing with Murph, settled on her bed, snoring.

For awhile I was worried about the lethargy, until I realized I was totally focused on work, and the quiet was actually like being in a study hall.  

While I grumped about the weather, it was actually nice to have the quiet.  I am sure when the weather gets a little better, Sage will explode out of the cozy crate and Murph will assert her reign over the back porch.  Until then, I'll pretend I'm in college and whisper as if I am in the library.

Murphy's day.

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