Thursday, July 3, 2008


While Sage was at the vet on Tuesday, Murph had the house to herself (well, shared with her stressed-out mom).  She chose to lay on the back porch the whole time.  We almost exclusively use the back porch to come and go, so it is where Murphy expected Sage to return.

When Sage walked through the back gate, Murphy perked up, sniffed the air, and lumbered down the stairs to see her sister.

This is though stuff for me.  I spent a sleepless night worrying about how Sage will be the night in the vet clinic.  Where she will sleep in the house the first few nights (I decided that I will sleep downstairs with her).  How well she will recover.  And of course, I went over and over in my mind how athletic Murphy is and how Sage is a totally different dog.  Was there something different I should have done to prevent this injury?

She is the baby of the family.  My Sage.

Murphy's day.

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