I say all the time that "Murphy is one of the great ones." And she is. You know, a legendary dog. Lassie, Ol' Yeller, Rin Tin Tin, Murphy. She is strong, brave, true, loyal to anyone with cheese. Every day, even now, no, especially now, she demonstrates how large her heart has become. I am convinced it is the only organ in her body.
Perhaps there is another nominee for "one of the great ones." Yes, I know, it's hard to believe, but I think Sage is unintentionally drifting into that category. While Murphy, like an Olympic athlete is driven to be great, Sage is less, shall we say, incline to live up to her potential. She is like the smart kid in high school who really enjoyed shop.
But adversity can show us sides that we never saw, and Sage is rising to the challenge. She is well behaved, in a great mood, and show signs she is ready to get back on all cylinders. This morning, as I got her out of her crate and out in back (which by the way, she is back on schedule), she wanted out the back gate. So we walked a few feet past the cars into the alley. She wanted to survey her territory. Sniff the air, check out the world beyond the fence. Then she turned around and waited for me to tether her outside. She gets what she needs to do, but is also showing that huge lab heart of wanting to push.
Thank goodness the weather has been good. She enjoys just laying out in back. Murphy on the back porch, supervising.
Pics tomorrow.
Murphy's day and Sage's day 5 of recovery.
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