For years I thought the cowboys that ran the American beef trade group should change their slogan to: Beef, it's what brings the labs running. But smarter advertising minds probably thought that just wouldn't send every one running to the meat counter.
Needless to say when I was grilling the burgers I had "adult lab supervision." Sage, who is still learning the ropes on how to "be a lab" was somewhere else, sniffing bugs or something, until she realized that Murphy might bag a burger. The next photo is Sage, imitating her older sister. Lab imitates lab.
It was just at that moment, when I watched the two of them together, that I realized just how much Sage will miss Murphy. Despite her independence, she relies on her older sister.
But, that moment is sometime in the future, and for the time being, beef, it's what brings the labs running.
Murphy's day.
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