Thursday, May 22, 2008

Upcoming Events

Today, my dear friends Les and Ann head to their beloved summer digs where Les wind surfs and Ann wrangles grandchildren, works on her art, and enjoys friends.  They are out of email contact, and despite periodic phone calls, I miss their daily company during the summer.

Another friend writes of adventures to Yellowstone this coming weekend.  

And every fly fisherperson in Washington is drumming their fingers waiting for June 1st (opening day on most rivers) and for the spring run off to level off.  

I am going to beat the Memorial Day rush and head for the Little Red Trailer today, so we will be "off-blog" for a few days.  A few days for Murph to follow her nose, for Sage to find mischief, any mischief.  

Lots to look forward to, many adventures.  

Murphy's day.

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