Monday, March 3, 2008


There was a New Yorker cartoon that I used to have above my desk.  A man is talking at a dog and the cartoon balloon over the dog's head says: blah blah blah blah Murphy blah blah blah.
It must be the same thing in real life.  I turn on the news.  The dogs have a bed positioned right in front of the television and except for loud bangs when I watch cops and robbers movies or during the Westminster Dog Show, the pups never stir.  The TV is mere background noise.  They are not concerned about super-delegates, car bombings, sub-prime mortgage meltdowns, genocide in Darfur, congestion, or even which child-star is checking into rehab.  The labs are worrid, however, about grass-fed beef, the price of wheat as it impacts toast, and whether gasoline becomes too costly for daily trips to the park.  

Seriously, it must be nice to be oblivious to everything we humans think is oh-so important.  Labs have stress.  Fireworks, thunder, car backfiring, any time I rent Best in Show, but daily, their lives are oblivious to everything we fret and worry about.

Maybe Murphy could go on Oprah and teach us about relaxation?  Murphy's ten steps for being oblivious!

Murphy's day.

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