Sunday, March 9, 2008

Everyday is Christmas

There are millions of amazing things Murphy does.  One of my favorites is on Christmas.  She has her own sock, which of course is filled to the brim with stuff.  It used to be two cans of tennis balls would make her happy, but now it's chewies, treats, and maybe stuffed toy (that Sage eventually steals).  This year, as presents were brought in and hidden in my study closet, she would go back there and bark.  Finally I had to hide the presents behind closed doors in the linen closet!

She knows which sock is hers.  This started a couple of years ago.  She got up on Christmas morning and would go straight to the sock.  It's amazing.

This afternoon we were out in back.  She chased the tennis ball for a few minutes, then wanted "short game."  The sun was out, Sage was trying to be as annoying as possible, stealing the balls, running off, then taunting Murphy with her loot.  We were all enjoying an afternoon together.

It is Christmas everyday with Murphy.  She knows, I think, who loves her, who is caring for her, and that whatever present she wants, she gets.

Murphy's day.

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