Thursday, December 1, 2016

When a Friend Dies

We have not posted in a long long time.  It's been a long number of weeks.  On November 4th, my brother, my only sibling died.  It was a total shock.  And like some space ship in a sci-fi movie, I feel untethered to my past and a little nervous about my future.

Then the election.

And today.  Today we learned that a friend we know only through wonderful, mirthful, imaginative postings on Facebook and Instagram, MoMo Brown, died.  This was a Wirehaired Pointing Griffon who broke record books on Facebook.  The postings of her antics, her love of life, her perspective on the world, and love of all things Chicago made many people's days.  She was instrumental in me thinking about, imagining, and finally deciding to bring Molly into our lives.

We can only imagine what her person must feel.  We have been down this path, especially recently with Sage.  But each dog is unique, each dog has a purpose in our lives, and this dog, this rescue, this wonderfully animated wild beast in the heart of urban life...she had a purpose.

We mourn, we ache.  It's been a very crappy several weeks.

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