Tuesday, May 20, 2014


Years ago, this was Murphy's favorite spot.  She can look out through the front door and out three side windows.  Covers a lot of the street in Seattle.

Both Annie Oakley and Willa enjoy this same spot.  In fact, it's quite normal for me to find both of them, one on each step.

I've been talking with alarm companies, recently, because there has been a rash of burglaries in the neighborhood.  But then I think, "well, if I just keep feeding my surveillance system..."  From their watchtower, they let the Post Man, the UPS delivery woman, the sauntering dog walker, and the mother with the stroller, know whose turf this is and that they need to keep moving.

Of course, if it's a thief, more than likely they will welcome him or her with wagging tails!

Murphy's Day.

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