Thursday, September 27, 2012

Early Adaptor

There is this theory in marketing about different segments of "buyers."  All those folks who ordered their iPhones the minute it was introduced are considered "early adaptors."  People who adapt to change quickly and want the latest and greatest next best thing.

I am not an early adaptor.  Nor are any of my girls.  We fit into a marketing category defined by curmudgeon.  Content, no, really set in our ways.  If it hasn't been around since we were born, we don't want to try it.  I swear, I am the last person in America to finally buy a HDTV.

So, what did we do this past weekend (clearly way too much time on our hands).  We went from flip open phone to iPhone 5!  Holy cow!

It's so amazing, I have to settle back into my curmudgeon mode just to figure it out.

But, Annie is excited because the phone takes videos!  Problem is, she never holds still long enough for me to "capture" her!

Murphy's Day.

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