Wednesday, August 15, 2012

As We Age

Of course, I am reflective.  Today, I am attending another memorial service, this one for a friend's mom.  I have known my friend since 1st grade and her mother was the assistant Girl Scout leader when my Mom as the leader.  We have a long long shared past and we're even neighbors now!

So this week of memorials or celebrations of life send me into a deeply reflective mood.  I think about how quickly we go through this Earth.  Especially our dear dog friends.  Sage is 8 1/2.  She has had major surgery on her knee, clearly has compensating injuries on her other leg, but she is so stoic and brave, always willing to "go, do" and be with me.

Sage is my Murphy-legacy.  She was Murphy's friend, mentee, her comfort.  There is a lot of Murphy in Sage, just was there is actually "blood lines" of Murphy in Annie and personality of Murphy in Willa.  Life does go on, parts of us are in each other, whether in our hearts, our souls, or our memories.

But sometimes, sometimes, it seems to go by oh-so quickly.

Murphy's Day.

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