Tuesday, July 17, 2012


Our dear friends Scott and Paula contacted us this morning.  Their great dog, fierce and feisty Gaby. died early on Tuesday morning.  Surrounded by both of them.  She gave them everything she had, living with heart murmurs, failing legs, but a big big heart.

Scott and Paula are the most wonderful dog people.  Scott is like the Pied Piper of our neighborhood, walking early in the morning, always having dog treats for each and every dog he encounters as he makes his way to his morning coffee....And Paula, always quick with a toy, a pat, a hug for the girls...these folks are tribal leaders of the Dog Tribe.

Loss like this is hard.  All of us feel it.  It's hardest on my friends.  Gaby lives on in their hearts, in all of our hearts...but right now, the world must seem very empty.

Dear Gaby.

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