Monday, May 28, 2012

Playing Tourist

Our friend Carol came out from New York, so we played tourist in eastern Washington.  Since Carol is a golf fanatic, one afternoon was spent bird watching, oh, I mean, trying to hit the golf ball.  Another afternoon was a trip to a fantastic winery, which gets tons of points in many of it's vintages, from Wine Spectator, Bourdreaux.  The owner is a forester/rock climber/d.j. for a small FM station/fun man from Louisiana and his wines are fantastic.

The winery is all off-grid, and the actual building is made from hand, stone hauled from my river, Icicle Creek.

It was a lovely day after a hard week...we also learned another friend lost Lucy, a sweet Yellow lab we would see many weekends while we ran in eastern Washington.  A long week last week.

Murphy's Day.

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