Thursday, December 8, 2011

Essence of Annie

Annie is one of the quirkiest dogs I have known.  She is an amazing athlete, even more agile than Murphy, yet she is timid around many other dogs and seeks out lots of comfort from me.  She loves to be close, even putting her head on my lap when I am in the bathroom (more detail than you wanted?????), yet often will totally ignore me when I want her to come.  She is close to Sage, eager to play with Willa, but given the chance, will be stretched out on my bed, snoring.

I totally love her quirks.  There have been times I have wanted to skin her alive (like when I really need her to come) but I have learned to adapt, and have found a "stern voice at high volume" works with her.  She is like a troubled teen who wants attention and even getting told "sit down, and I mean it," seems like an admission of love to her.  Hopefully some of those quirks are not from the nurture, although I feel guilty that she had to spend so much of her puppyhood in the car as I raced between my home and my parent's, doing caregiving.  I do remember great walks at dusk through the Arboretum, laughing as Annie found a stick and ran around Sage, but perhaps her quirks are a result of all that time in the car and sensing my stress....

And then, her essence is kindness.  She also learned that a head on my lap, a greeting with tail wagging, lowered my stress enormously.

Annie Oakley.  Riding the range....

Murphy's Day.

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