Wednesday, June 29, 2011


Sage came from pedigree.  Not just her own, but her breeder is the daughter of a former US Senator and the granddaughter of a former US Senator.  She knows a lot of Very Important when I flew to Maryland to pick up Sage I worried that bringing her out to Seattle, for a more pedestrian life style would be hard.  Mary, the breeder, lives in gorgeous old home right on Chesapeake Bay.

I remember after Mary and I talked and I got all of Sage's pedigree paperwork, I walked back to the car and got in.  I realized I had some gravel in my shoe, so I picked it out and saved it.  Mary had laid this beautiful white rock gravel in her driveway.  I still have the two rocks.

Sage, of course, has not seemed to have any obvious problems adjusting to a more "scaled" down lifestyle.  The gravel isn't white, but it's just a nice to lay on and observe the world.

Murphy's Day.

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