Thursday, January 20, 2011

Miracle Dogs

Recently in the New York Times there was an article about a scientist questioning the idea that dogs can help people heal.

Aside from the comfort and comedy my two girls provide me (comfort and comedy being stress relievers probably far more healthier than many drugs), I am convinced Sage and Annie are miracle healers.  I should buy them a big tent and have them do a tour of the south proclaiming they can help people walk (Elmer Gantry step aside, here come Sage and Annie).

Several days ago, during a particularly horrible weather day, when snow turned to slush in a matter of minutes, I got a HUGE blister on my right heel.  Ugly blister.  Since then, Annie has been licking my heel.  And the blister has been getting better...although I do admit I make sure to disinfect because I really don't want to think about what has been in Annie's mouth!  She lay's her paws on my wounds!

It's a miracle dog!

Murphy's Day.

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