Friday, December 23, 2011

A Puppy's Christmas in Washington (with apologies to Dylan Thomas)

"One Christmas was so much like another, in those years around the sea-town corner now and out of all the sound except the distant speaking of the voices I sometimes hear a moment before I go to sleep, that I can never remember whether it snowed for six days and nights when I was twelve or twelve days and nights when I was six...."

Have a wonderful Christmas and a Happy New Year.  Sage, Annie, Willa and I are going to spend a week trying to find snow, playing with our new toys, and enjoying some time off.  We'll be back after the New Year.

All the best,

The Girls.

Murphy's Day.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Looking for Santa

Sage carries on Murphy's tradition of getting excited about her stocking.  We're getting close...and she's looking for Santa.  In typical lab fashion, she is fully prepared to walk to the North Pole to find him (why catch the Polar Express when you can walk with Sage?).

Murphy's Day.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Will It Ever Snow?

It's been the driest December in a long long time.  I'm certainly not complaining...but the girls mentioned they would like a little bit of snow for Christmas.

Murphy's Day.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Growing Up

My mother used to tell me stories about how she would cry at milestones as I grew up: walking to school the first day of kindergarten, the day I switched from pencil to cartridge pen (yeah, that sure ages me), when I entered junior get the drift.  She admitted to me that she always wanted me to stay little.

This is a picture of Annie when she was about 5 1/2 months old.  She seems so little.  But the great thing about labs is that they stay young in spirit and energy for years and years.  While they don't stay "small," (which by the way, there is no such thing as a small lab...), they stay young.

It's something to think about.  I am not sure my mom ever saw me dance in the grocery store aisle to "shopping" music, or heard me sing my country-western songs in the shower, or heard my screams of delight when I caught a gorgeous west slope cutthroat.  But she did know I was was our gift to each other because I also watched her youthful delight in life, especially when she was around the "girls."

It's that lab symbiotic relationship with people they know love them.  Labs make us young.

Murphy's Day.

Monday, December 19, 2011

Happy Birthday Dad!

Today was my father's birthday.  He was an amazing man.  Years ago he made this book case for me.  It's nice to be able to look at these and other things he did, every day, and think of him.

Happy Birthday Dad.  I miss you.

Murphy's Day.

Friday, December 16, 2011

Duck Blind?

Somehow I can't see either of these two willing to sit for hours in a cold duck blind...oh well, maybe I can train them to take out the garbage?????

Murphy's Day.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

What is it About Snow?

What is it about snow that brings out the goof-ball in just about everyone, but particularly Annie?  I suspect if she lived in the Arctic she would still do something like this every single day.

And that is a good thing.

Murphy's Day.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Wake Me When It's Dinner

As I said, Sage is slowing down...just a bit.  She is keyed into several things: meals, walks, a few runs, chews, and play time.  Play time means anything around chase or football.  She also continues to thoroughly enjoy finding her place in the center of things and just observing, making sure we're all following "Sage's Guide to Well Behaved Humans and Other Dogs Not Mentioned By Name."

She is my Sage Bean.  And I adore her.

Murphy's Day.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

"Let's Raid the Closet"

Several weeks ago there was a 15% coupon for a number of stores at a local shopping mall near the University of Washington.  The fantastic news was one of my favorite pet stores, Mud Bay, was participating.  So off I went, coupon in hand, shopping for the mischievous elves in the house.

Hiding things around labs is a problem.  Their noses may not be Beagle or Basset quality, but they are pretty darn good.  I have a closet in my study that usually works, but recently I have been noticing all three girls have been circling near the closet entrance.  There is no doubt that Willa is trying to convince Annie to investigate what "Santa-Mommie" might be hiding....

Time to remind them about the naughty and nice equation oh-so helpful to mothers during this time of year!

Murphy's Day.

Monday, December 12, 2011

After Such a Rough Time....

As I began to write out my Christmas cards I became reflective.  Just what happened this year and what can I expect to happen during 2012.  The past few years have been, as they say, a "rough patch," with the deaths of Murphy, my parents, and several good friends.  This last year, while there was loss, was a bit calmer, allowing me time to catch my breath and begin thinking about the next phases of my life.  Where do I want to be?  What do I want to be doing?  How can I realize dreams?

This past weekend we stayed home, getting a few things done including the "dreaded" Costco run, leaf raking, and general household duties.  I also went to a neighborhood where my parents lived the last few years of their lives (and I haven't been back in about a year) only to find their favorite breakfast place totally changed!  Sigh.  The world moves on and on.

The girls seemed to enjoy a slower weekend, despite runs and walks, it was slow for us.  And in watching them I realized how lucky we are.  Three years ago Christmas Day my friend Mary Tydings called with news about a litter of yellow labs and a little over a week later Annie Oakley came into our lives.  And this year I met a neighbor and now good friend who told me about her nephew's gorgeous yellow Sydney and at the end of September came Willa.  While three active labs is certainly a handful (and let me tell you how many people want to tell us that as we walk: "my, you certainly have your hands full!") at this point I couldn't imagine our lives any other way.  Willa burst onto the scene and hasn't stopped working her way into our daily lives.  As I exercise I keep reminding myself that I have to stay somewhat limber as I age just to keep up with Annie and Willa (Sage is finally beginning to slow down a tish).

So after such a rough few years, where our lives were consumed with doctors, cooking breakfasts, lunches, dinners, cleaning two houses, running errands, grocery shopping for two households, vets, trying to run my consulting's been a little quieter this year.  I have time to enjoy the two "nuts" in the picture as they wrestle and cavort around the house.

Murphy's Day.

Friday, December 9, 2011

Let's Get It Started

She is Mighty Mite, hurling herself into any activity her two older sisters are doing..."Let's get it started..." is probably the song going through her brain.


Murphy's Day.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Essence of Annie

Annie is one of the quirkiest dogs I have known.  She is an amazing athlete, even more agile than Murphy, yet she is timid around many other dogs and seeks out lots of comfort from me.  She loves to be close, even putting her head on my lap when I am in the bathroom (more detail than you wanted?????), yet often will totally ignore me when I want her to come.  She is close to Sage, eager to play with Willa, but given the chance, will be stretched out on my bed, snoring.

I totally love her quirks.  There have been times I have wanted to skin her alive (like when I really need her to come) but I have learned to adapt, and have found a "stern voice at high volume" works with her.  She is like a troubled teen who wants attention and even getting told "sit down, and I mean it," seems like an admission of love to her.  Hopefully some of those quirks are not from the nurture, although I feel guilty that she had to spend so much of her puppyhood in the car as I raced between my home and my parent's, doing caregiving.  I do remember great walks at dusk through the Arboretum, laughing as Annie found a stick and ran around Sage, but perhaps her quirks are a result of all that time in the car and sensing my stress....

And then, her essence is kindness.  She also learned that a head on my lap, a greeting with tail wagging, lowered my stress enormously.

Annie Oakley.  Riding the range....

Murphy's Day.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

My Bed

Despite Willa's on-going desire to adversely possess Sage's LL Bean bed, Sage is quite successful at maintaining her boundaries!  Sage loves this bed, in the middle of hardwood floors (she is not a fan of hardwood, too slick), also in the middle of lots of activity which she can monitor and participate if she wants.  Plus, it's next to a heat vent, an important location in cold eastern Washington.

Annie stays away from Sage's bed.  And we'll see how Willa and Sage arrange their bed sharing over the next few weeks.   But I suspect it's going to take more than Sage circling around the bed while Willa is on it, to get Willa to move....I have a funny feeling I will be refereeing a few snarls!

Murphy's Day.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Ode to Joy

If I could figure out how to put music to the blog, Ode to Joy would be this song.  Annie got into a little bit of snow in eastern Washington.  It was slick, and I mean slick (I can show you the bruise on my butt), but the girls thoroughly enjoyed the brief trip.

Ode to Joy!

Murphy's Day!

"I'm a Big Dog, Really, I Am"

There are some universal behaviors in labs.  Food driven, that is for certain.  But one that is also a guaranteed behavior is "the rush" to prove they are big dogs.  "If you can do it, so can I."  Willa still sleeps in a crate, and when I am not at home, she also is in a crate unless I'm only gone for a few minutes. But she has taken to the idea of a dog bed, especially if it is Sage's.

Willa has a problematic relationship with Sage at this point.  Sage accepts her, tolerates her, but also lets Willa know, on a daily basis, who is the top dog in the family.  A snarl, a growl, a nudge.  Willa follows Annie like "a puppy," but she really is intrigued with Sage and wants to be just like her (in fact, I think she will be more like Sage than Annie, she doesn't, at this point, seem as "hunt" driven as Annie).  On Sunday, when we came back from a walk, she scampered into the house, beating Sage to her dog bed, camping out as Sage circled trying to figure out how cranky she should be over this "black dot" on her bed.

Guess who won that battle?

Sage de-camped to my bed.

Murphy's Day.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Advent Calendars

While I was caregiving for my parents I found I didn't have time to actually shop for "the big" Christmas present.  So I pulled out a gorgeous Advent Calendar my mother gave me many years ago, marked off the calendar, and every few days each of us got a small treat.

Today begins the Advent, and in our minds, winter.  So a little door will open and a treat...of course, I have yet to tell Willa about the only other Christmas tradition I keep, stockings!

Murphy's Day.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Holiday Dress-Up

Normally, the girls wear collars from Orvis.  The collars are nylon, extremely durable, and have their names and my cell phone number embroidered on them.  Plus, they are adjustable, so I can get one collar and it essentially lasts much of their lives....but for holidays, they have special collars.  This is a tradition started by my mother who gave me a holiday collar with jingle bells, for Riley, my wheaten terrier. From there, I have gone through an assortment of holiday collars until I found these wonderful collars from Sun Valley.

And so, on Thanksgiving, all three girls got on their holiday best, and romped in the snow.

We had a marvelous time: good food, great friends, the dogs played and played, nice walks.  As if on cue, it snowed on Thanksgiving, so we taught Willa about snowballs.  It was a nice day...

Murphy's Day.

Sage's Dog House

For those who haven't see it, this is Sage's dog house in eastern Washington (or more technically, North Central Washington).

The girls love it over there, and there is not much better than waking up to snow falling, Aspen and Ponderosa pine swaying in the wind...sunrise over Burch Mountain.  For this, Sage doesn't mind the command: "Sage, in your dog house!"

Murphy's Day.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

The Orvis Shot

Orvis has a contest where you can send pictures of your dog (or in my case, herd) for the cover of their Orvis catalog of all things dog.  No matter how hard I try, I can not seem to capture a "still" shot of the girls which would get them on the cover (I have already spent the "winnings" in my mind...don't you think the girls want a new fly rod?).

Orvis did a cute little video of Betty White (found here) trying to get her dog on the cover. Maybe that's what I need to do!

That said, I certainly think the girls look "Orvis" in this picture....of course, not looking for the upland game....

Murphy's Day.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Sage Adds Spice

So, speaking of holiday collars...normally, Sage does not wear a collar.  She did for a long time, but with Annie, who grabs at Sage's neck when they play, I took off Sage's collar and haven't put it on unless I worry she needs identification.  However, she does get to wear her holiday collar, and when I put it on her at Thanksgiving, she literally danced.  Up and down, around in circles.  It was way too cute.

Of course, after her dinner, some turkey scraps, and way too much romping with her younger sisters, Sage, like any elder, headed for "nap time."

No matter what, though, she adds spice to any day.  Sweet Sage.

Murphy's Day.

Sunday, November 20, 2011


Right after my mother died on November 22, 2009, my Aunt Bonnie said: "why does it always happen in November?"

It does seem that way, that the holidays also bring enormous pain and sorrow.  This week I am remembering my mother and Murphy, both who died just before Thanksgiving.

So, we'll be taking a few days off to reflect and be thankful for our family and friends.  The picture above is of my parents, my Grandmother, Aunt, Uncle, cousins Mary and Tom and Tom's then-wife, Robin.  Happy times.  I miss my grandmother, aunt, uncle, and my parents....

Have a wonderful holiday and we'll be back on Monday, November 28th.

Murphy's Day.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Murphy's Day

This is one of the first pictures I took with my first digital camera (I was late to this technology).

It's been almost three years since Murphy died.  Two years since my mother died.  It's been a long long long several years.

I miss them terribly.

Murphy's Day.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Snow and Willa

I simply can not wait to see what Willa does in the snow.  Coming soon, I suspect...not in Seattle, but the mountains and eastern Washington.  Which is why, today, it's snow tire installation day.  Making sure this pack of labs travel safely, and that we can get Willa into her first snow!


Murphy's Day.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011


Labs love stairwells.  The corner of the stairwell gives them a high position to see everything on "the street," hear every thing in the house, and control the movements of the other pups.

Plus, it's a wonderful place to play!

I always worry that sooner or later someone will go tumbling down...but so far, after being in this house for 16 years, no one has.  So the tradition continues with Willa, realizing "this is the place to be."

Murphy's Day.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Problem Solving

Since Sage's knee surgery, she has become tentative on linoleum floors.  My kitchen.  So, for awhile I had a sisal rug there, and recently she has become tentative, again.

So, I spent a week watching her, and on Sunday, bought a bigger rug.  She literally danced on it when it went down.

My heart soared.

Murphy's Day.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Weekend at Home

We thought we'd head east, but finally decided the tons of errands were a higher priority than going east of the mountains.  Plus, there was snow in the passes and snow tires were not yet purchased much less on the car.  Errand number one: research and get snow tires.

Notwithstanding the fact we were in the city, the dogs found lots of places to play.  We had a wonderful Sunday afternoon with Murphy, Willa's sister, plus a nice walk at Sage's Discovery Park, on Saturday.

And lots of things crossed off the errand list.

So, hopefully next weekend we'll head outside.

Murphy's Day.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Modern Dance

In my younger days I attended a lot of modern dance performances: Martha Graham, Joffery, Merce Cunningham...but there is nothing more spectacular than two pups playing. Their paw movement, their expressions of joy and happiness, their intensity!

The Annie Oakley Dance Company.

Murphy's Day.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

My Gorgeous GIrl

In all the hub-bub of the new pup, I haven't said much about Sage.  The thing is, she is such a great dog, I really don't need to say much about her.  She was one of the easiest dogs I have ever trained.  And she still, even when she has her momentary lapses going rogue, behaves.  If she is off getting into something she "shouldn't" I can call, or rather bark at her, and she comes scampering out, looking guilty, sticking by my side...

With Willa she is making sure the young "mighty mite" understands who is top dog.  Sage has been through a lot, and I encourage her to let Willa know who deserves homage...she is my gorgeous girl.

Murphy's Day.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Monday, November 7, 2011

Connor Mark

My niece Brooke, had her third child (ok, she and Doug had their third child) on Saturday night.

Jacob, Claire, and Connor.  My brother has five grandchildren, as he says, "a basketball team."  I reminded him that his two granddaughters, Claire and Madeline will be the point guards, directing traffic in the family for a long time to come.

There is no more affirming statement to the world than having a child: hope, joy, excitement, anticipation, love....

Congratulations all of you!  I miss you and can not wait to meet Connor!

Murphy's Day!

Friday, November 4, 2011

Upland Game

I keep thinking I should train Annie to be a flushing dog.  I can think of nothing better to do (ok, maybe fishing) on a cold, crisp, Autumn morning, than walking in the fields with the dogs.  So why not give her a purpose?  Find quail or pheasant or chucker....

Annie: 0
Birds: overwhelmingly winning!

Sigh.  Ok, maybe just a walk in the fields will do!

Murphy's Day!

Thursday, November 3, 2011


Of course, nearly everyone wants to know how Sage is dealing with the puppy.

Sage established her boundaries early (she'd be a good relationship counselor!) and has not backed down on where she eats and where she sleeps.

But over the weekend, Sage and Willa were seen watching TV together, I kid you not.  Sweet Baby Sage.  She might not show it all the time, but she is the sweetest dog.

Murphy's Day.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011


One (of many) reasons I decided to get Willa (or to have Willa "get" me) is because her sister, Murphy, would live close by.  Three blocks east of me.  Sharon and Joe are Murphy's parents.  I met Sharon through work, she was one of the neighbors who retained me to help them with the non-function rain gardens Seattle Public Utilities imposed on the neighborhood (it's all about infiltration!).  It's Sharon's nephews who bred Maverick to Sydney and it was Sharon's sister, Julie, who brought both girls to Seattle.

So, almost every weekend since they arrived, Willa and Murphy have spent time together.  On Sunday, we stopped by on our way back from a long and wet (and as a consequence, muddy) walk through our favorite park.  These two just love to romp and clearly know they are a bond.

And, I get the joy of spending time with two great people, Sharon and Joe.  Truly, all great people are dog people!  When Sharon told me she was naming her pup Murphy I almost cried.  They never "knew" Murphy (I think Sharon may have met her on her morning walks years ago), so I got the chance to regale them with Murphy stories.  This pup has big paws to fill but will do it and more!

It's nice to have family!

Murphy's Day!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Lab Heaven

A picture says a thousand words.  Or a thousand hand-me-down toys that someone thinks are just for them!

Murphy's Day!

Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween

Waiting for all the ghosts and goblins here in Ballard!

Murphy's Day!

Friday, October 28, 2011

Ready to Be Outside

Last weekend was at home.  We're ready to be outside.  Last weekend was nice, even the trip to Costco...but it will be nicer to get outside, play in the remains of fall.

"Most of all, we love the fall...."

Murphy's Day.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Sweet Girl

Is there anything sweeter than a puppy making sure no one else gets her toy?  Of course, this toy was once Sage's, then Annie's.....

Thank goodness for hand-me-downs, right?

Murphy's Day.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011


Need any more evidence how well Annie is enjoying Willa?

Murphy's Day.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Thinking about Newcomers

We've been thinking about newcomers.  Obviously Willa is the newcomer, and this (see above) was the welcoming committee.

Willa, like Annie, has held her own.  In fact, just before this picture was shot, in the upper right hand corner was Willa, a triple lab threat on the stairs!

I dunno, if I was new in this 'hood, I think it would be pretty good to be welcomed by the dos amigos!

Murphy's Day.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Taking the World By Storm

Willa has been with us for four weeks, now.  She has taken her new neighborhoods by storm...Nahahum Canyon and Sunset Hill.  Scott and Paula came by for puppy kisses (and love with Sage and Annie).  Willa visited her sister, Murphy, and rollicked.

Like any and every great lab, she is taking the world by storm.  And the world needs it, right now.

Murphy's Day!

Friday, October 21, 2011

Progress Report

Well, we're sleeping until 4 AM, then back to sleep until 5:30 AM.  We are getting outside, most of the time, to pee and poop.  And best of all, we're following Annie's lead.

And that is a good thing, right?

Murphy's Day.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

In the Field

I've been thinking a lot, lately, about my so-called hunting dogs.  Sage wasn't bred for hunting as much as she was bred to be "in the manor born."  A good looking girl.  Annie comes from hunting stock, as does Willa.  With quail and ducks abounding here in both western and eastern Washington, maybe I need to get these girls in the field.  Let them do what they are bred to do.

On the other hand, me with a shotgun??????

Murphy's Day.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Ode to Joy

Annie actually seems happier.  Can you tell when dogs are happy?  I can.  Annie has more energy, more spirit.  She takes toys out of the toy basket and plays with Willa.  She is playing more with Sage.

We all seem more energized, except for the 3 AM wake-up calls.

Murphy's Day.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011


Sage came in the middle of my father's decline.  And Annie came as both of my parents were dealing with serious health issues.  Now there is Willa.  It's time to re-boot.  I've been in a funk since my parents' deaths and in the several weeks since Willa has been here, I find myself taking the time to gather my life  I'm not letting go, by any means.  In fact, Willa proudly uses one of Murphy's old leashes.  Years of history in that leash.

But new life certainly helps to make the old life seem more comfortable, less sad.

Murphy's Day.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Most of All, We Love the Fall

A great Hemingway quote: "most of all, he loved the fall," applies to us.  A wonderful week of fishing (skunked), hiking, exploring.  Willa got a chance to get to know her big sisters, Annie learned how to play, again, and Sage showed us a maternal side I never knew she had!

Glorious fall colors.  And we're learning that if we take a picture of Willa, there has to be a light background!

Murphy's Day.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

All Lambs

You know that saying, about lions laying down with lambs?  Well, the girls are all lambs.

Murphy's Day (still in eastern Washington).

Monday, October 10, 2011

Dogs of The Wenatchee RIver

Well, Willa is fitting right in, if any lab can fit in with chaos!  She hurled herself into trying to be like Annie, which has it's pluses and minuses....but all three of the girls seem to be enjoying this brief time away from Seattle.  So many things to explore, so many things to get into, and so many strange sounds...Sage and Annie are accepting Willa into their pack.  Annie loves to play and Sage seems to have taken over the role of big protector.  It's very sweet, actually.

We're still into the early AM wake-ups, not every night, but still I have a whole new empathy for my nieces, one who has a new baby and the other who is about to...

Murphy's Day.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Fly Fishing Guide Dogs

Last Sunday, all three labs went to the upper Yakima to  help me guide.  It was Willa's first day on a river, which Annie and Sage made sure she got into all sorts of trouble: dead salmon, cold water, elk crap...

She seemed to enjoy it, though.  Good thing.  We get out on rivers a lot!

Speaking of that, we're off tomorrow for a few days.  We'll be back soon, just heading east of the mountains for some time in an aspen stand!

Murphy's Day.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011