Thursday, December 2, 2010

Guard Dogs

Sage has become quite the guard dog.  Recently, while watching TV, I saw an ad for one of those electronic home protection services.  And I realized I should post a sign: THIS HOUSE IS PROTECTED BY SAGE.  Get near her car and she will growl.  Get closer and she becomes an attack dog.  Knock on the front door and don't expect the wagging tail gentle stereotyped lab.  Nope, it's Sage, showing teeth.  Ok, though, the tail is also wagging...hmmm.

But once you're in the car or house, she'll kiss you to death.

Annie is becoming a mini-me.  She'll let out a tentative bark, but then seem more afraid of Sage than the would-be intruder!

Frankly, I don't mind the protection.

Murphy's Day.

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