Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Little Sisters

My brother will tell you that little sisters are a pain.  Brooke, any comment here?  Just when you're on a roll, enjoying the moment, bam, in comes the little sister.  For me with my brother it was always stealing his favorite stuffed monkey, or fooling around with his Matchbox cars.  Annie?  Well, she just loves to wrestle.  Sage could take her in two seconds, but she just rolls with the punches...

I probably haven't changed.  Still the obnoxious little sister.  But I sure do love my brother, even though I constantly needle him.  And Sage, well, Sage if she doesn't know where Annie is, she is all about stopping, waiting, and making sure the kid sister is with the herd.

I keep telling Sage that Annie is Murphy's revenge.  Sage was just as relentless to Murphy.

Murphy's day.

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