Friday, December 24, 2010

Merry Christmas!

Somewhere, out there, a Yellow lab named Murphy is watching over us.  Helping us understand unconditional love, forgiveness, and hope.

Have a wonderful Christmas.

We'll be back at the blog right after New Year's Day.

Murphy's Day.

Thursday, December 23, 2010


For all the complications we go through during the holiday season, sometimes it really is the simple thing.

Annie just wants a tennis ball and an arm to throw it (and yeah, some mud would be nice).

Murphy's Day.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Winter's Solstice

Turning the corner.  We are now past the longest night.

Annie spent much of the past few days, or as much as she could, in the water.  Labs were well ahead of their time on the New Year's Polar Bear plunge-thing.

Murphy's Day.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Westminster Bound

Sage has been fairly active recently: longer walks in the morning, runs on the weekends, and romping at the beach.  This weekend, while staying in Seattle, I noticed how frisky she seemed to be when we were playing.  She seems happy, healthier, and more willing to push herself.

I took this picture Sunday night.  She really does look like a champion dog, Westminster bound.

Murphy's Day.

Monday, December 20, 2010

My Dad

Yesterday was my Dad's birthday.  It was a gorgeous day.  Early in the morning, a former co-worker of his emailed me, saying my Dad would have loved today: the sun, the crisp air. He would have, indeed.

On Saturday night I talked with friends from the neighborhood.  Both of them are going through tough times with a parent.  And we all nodded in agreement that we were not the only ones, not the first ones, nor the last, to agonize over a parent.  It is, unfortunately, part of our lives.  Which isn't to say the pain of loss is any less.

I miss you, Dad.

Murphy's Day.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Our Neighborhood

While I may not celebrate the changes Seattle is going through, I do love my little neighborhood (ok, not so little).  I run through it every day and because of Murphy, Sage, and Annie, I have met some wonderful neighbors.

So this weekend, we're going to several Holiday parties.  Gatherings of dog folks.  It's what neighborhoods and neighbors are about!

Murphy's Day.

Thursday, December 16, 2010


On Monday night, or early Tuesday morning, thunder rumbled again.  Then, as I woke, flashes of lightening.  Thunder...Annie woke up, got up, went downstairs.  And I followed.  Sage sleeps downstairs and she was anxious.  But the lightening passed quickly, thunder rumbled off, and Sage settled back down, we all went back to bed, only to listen to a pounding rain then wind.

By the time I got up, Sage was at the bottom of the stairs, wanting to go outside.  The weather had scared the you-know-what out of her.  Poor girl.

It's been dramatic, lately.  Sometimes there is nothing I can do to assure these girls that it is all right.  Of course, when I was listening to the rain hammer the house, I was wondering if Sage was right and we should all just make a bolt for Palm Springs!

Murphy's Day.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Not A New Urbanist

The City of Seattle is going through changes.  What is the line that Ronald Reagan said (which I am totally changing): "I didn't leave the City of Seattle, the City of Seattle left me."  This city is no longer fun or interesting for me to live in, rather it is filled with city officials bickering over major issues, increasing costs of living here, and a sense that it's more about "gotcha'" than helping all of us live together.  Diversity of opinion is not an option in Seattle.

Several days ago when walking the dogs I ran into a woman with a lovely English sheepdog who used to live in my neighborhood.  She moved out of the city.  And as we talked, she almost had me convinced to make a run for the border.

New urbanists have a utopian view of what cities should be.  That somehow we will all raise our own food, ride bikes everywhere, and live in tiny apartments next to train stations and swanky bars.

My girls need room to romp.  We are definitely not new urbanists.

Murphy's Day.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

She Seems Happy

I always worry about Sage.  After her knee surgery, she seemed stoic.  But after Murphy died, she seemed to go into a soulful stage.  Annie can draw her out, but it took a lot of work for Annie.

Recently, I am noticing Sage being happy.  She enjoys exploring, romping, and noses through the toy box (a huge pile, I might add) finding the perfect item to tempt Annie into a great game of tug-of-war.

Sage is a remarkable dog.  And it makes me feel so much better that she seems happy.  Maybe she is healing from losing Murphy....or maybe we both are...

Murphy's Day.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Ode to Joy

Beethoven had it right.  Ode to Joy.  This weekend we were in eastern Washington as the Chinook to end all Chinooks pounded this region.  Almost a foot of snow.  The girls went nuts!

There is something wonderful about watching animals enjoy themselves.  No toys, no video games, nothing but nature.  They leapt, they tussled, they explored, they rolled, they ran just for the sake of running.

A number of social critics have written about how there is too much stimulus in the lives of children.  And that children don't get out in nature enough.  Frankly, I don't think I know of a single kid who hasn't explored a mud puddle or waded through a creek.  I think one of the problems is we get a little too uptight over our definitions of nature and what we think kids should be doing.

Like these two girls, if left alone, kids will find ode to joy!

Murphy's Day.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Thursday, December 9, 2010

I Smile

I really did pause and think before I decided to bring Annie into the household.  I was still grieving for Murphy, had just moved my parents, and Sage was a perfect fit: quiet, well behaved, routinized with my schedule.  Annie was like a cannon blast into the quiet home!

Despite the fact we are currently tussling over her willfulness (some of that willfulness is what makes a lab a lab, so the trick is to find ways for her to behave without losing the stubborness that makes a lab a real sporting and working dog, as well as the house comedian), she is a thorough joy.  She gets both Sage and I up and moving, makes me laugh even in my darkest days, and is a great companion for Sage.  They are truly the Dos Amigos.

I smile.

Murphy's Day.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

I Can't Hear You!

Annie's favorite tactic in the behavior wars is the "I can't hear you!"  It manifests in several ways:

  • Turning away so she is not looking at me
  • Running the opposite direction
  • Hiding
Exhibit A.  I am asking her to drop the glove she has stolen.  If she doesn't have direct eye contact, she can't hear me.

"She'll keep me young, she'll keep me young..."

Murphy's Day.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Nothing Better Than Snow

I really don't know how many times I can say this about labs and snow.  But they are in heaven from the moment they leap out of the car until I have to coax them back into it.  Or in Sage's case, she wants in out of exhaustion and Annie I have to wrangle.

If they had little cartoon balloons over their heads they both would be saying: "SNOW!"

Sage scampers and scurries around like she is a puppy.  And Annie, well, she is a puppy, so we all know where that goes.  They wrestle, leap for sticks, make lab snow angels...

I guess their antics are a not-so-subtle hint that I could never live in Florida.

Murphy's Day.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Free Dog To Good Home

Annie has been trying my patience.  In spades.  Not coming when called, frisking off with some treasure like socks, aluminum foil, or who-knows-what.  I keep muttering under my breath: "she will keep  me young!"

Then, when she finally sits upon command and cocks her head...

Murphy's Day.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Looking for Santa Paws

This will be Sage's sixth Christmas with me.  Seems like we have been together even longer, we have been through so much already.

This year, like last year, I am not doing much for Christmas: no tree, not hauling out the decorations.  Low key.  But I sense Sage perceives the change in seasons and that it is a holiday season.  Colder weather, different music, a few packages coming into the house.  And the Advent Calendar.  Years ago my mother bought this fantastic Advent Calendar for me.  It's a replicated log cabin with the 25 days of Advent as little doors.  And like last year, we rotate Advent gift days.  The girls love it. Early in the morning treats pop out of the doors!

It's the Holiday Season.  And these girls give so much joy and light.

Murphy's Day.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Guard Dogs

Sage has become quite the guard dog.  Recently, while watching TV, I saw an ad for one of those electronic home protection services.  And I realized I should post a sign: THIS HOUSE IS PROTECTED BY SAGE.  Get near her car and she will growl.  Get closer and she becomes an attack dog.  Knock on the front door and don't expect the wagging tail gentle stereotyped lab.  Nope, it's Sage, showing teeth.  Ok, though, the tail is also wagging...hmmm.

But once you're in the car or house, she'll kiss you to death.

Annie is becoming a mini-me.  She'll let out a tentative bark, but then seem more afraid of Sage than the would-be intruder!

Frankly, I don't mind the protection.

Murphy's Day.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Naughty and Nice

As we swing into December it's time to have that discussion with Annie about Santa Paws and who is naughty or nice.

The thing is, labs, like humans, are complicated beings.  They are not either/or.  Each of them has a little naughty and a little nice.  Or a lot of naughty and a lot of nice.  It's what makes labs such great dogs.  Their mischievous minds force them to do some great pranks, and their desire to please make for fabulous apologies.

Hopefully Santa Paws also knows this about labs and remembers Sage and Annie during the Holidays.  Don't know how they can be forgotten or neglected.  After all, they are great girls.

Murphy's Day.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010


Ok, we're all back in the saddle, sort of....

Poor Annie does not do well just waiting.  But she hung in there while I recovered.

One of the things these two girls love to do is to watch.  Sit at the top of the back porch, the top of the stairs, the top of the hill.  And just watch.  Murphy used to curl up at the turn of the stair, where she had a view of the street, the side yard, and up stairs.  At the property, the girls love to sit at the top of the hill and just wait and watch.

I suspect part of this need is an ancient calling, something about protecting territory.  And perhaps part of it is pack related, just wanting to know where their pack is at all times.

It's comforting.

Murphy's Day.

Monday, November 29, 2010

A Little Sick

No picture today.  I got sick yesterday and was down for the count.

But some great news on the family front!!!!!

Yeah Megan, Peter, and Joshua!

More tomorrow!

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving

We're going to take a few days off.  But we wanted to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving.  It's a time of joy, to share with family and friends.

Thank you all for reading this blog and enjoying the love of life that each of these yellow labs brings to our world.

Back on Monday.

Murphy's Day.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Two Years

It's been two years since Murphy died.

So, here is one of the videos I did just after that day.

I love you, Murphy, and miss you.  You are the best in labrador retrievers.  Such a heart.

Murphy's Day.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010


When my friend Mary called to tell me about Annie, she said: "Annie has some of Murphy's pedigree."  It turns out, both Sage and Annie do, but Murphy's sire, or Dad, Houston, is part of both of their pedigree.

From what I understand about Houston, he was a Champion Hunter.  Indeed, Murphy had that retrieving energy and drive.  If I'd hunted ducks, I would be sitting pretty at my fly tying bench, more feathers than I would know how to use.

Sage doesn't care about retrieving, she cares about accumulating, perhaps reflective of her Dam or mother.  Life of luxury that girl.

Annie?  Well, it's not too early to tell, but did either of her parents have clown in their pedigree?

Murphy's Day.

Monday, November 22, 2010

A Year

Today.  One year ago my mother died.  Sometimes it seems like it's been a lifetime since she died and on other days, I still feel that she is about to call and talk about politics, or the Prince's engagement, or something that worries her.  But for 365 days my phone has been silent.  I haven't met her for breakfast on Saturday.  The dogs haven't wiggled and wagged as she walked through my back door.

Time heals pain and hurts.  But losing my mother ripped a hole in my heart that seems irreparable.

I miss you Mom.

Murphy's Day.

Friday, November 19, 2010

What's Next?

Long week.  Ready for the weekend.  The two girls are already asking: "what's next?"

It's the weekend!  And they are ready to go!

Murphy's Day.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Disney to Re-Make "Catch Me If You Can"

Over my desk came this press release: Disney is going to re-make the movie "Catch Me If You Can."  This time the plot line will be a two year old yellow lab who loves to steal shoes, socks, boots....

There will be no casting calls because apparently Disney found the perfect dog.

"Annie?  Did you just take my...."

Murphy's Day.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Garden Tours

November is never the time for garden tours.  But my back yard looks like a Calistoga mud bath.  Between the girls summer play and Annie's ball chase in the rain, the yard is a mess.

My mother and I used to attend the Northwest Garden Show every February.  The joke between us was my yard would always win last place.  Until one year I almost convinced her that we should enter a landscaping contest calling it: Dog Garden.  I bet then, and still do, that many people would have hired us to design a "dog garden."

First, I would have said, have no expectations that anything will grow.

Murphy's Day.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Is She An English Lab?

Lab people know there are several "types" of labs: English, field, and American.  Generally, English labs are stocky, blocky heads, shorter.  Field labs are lean, lanky, bred for hunting in the field.  And American labs, I think, are sort of like American cars: big, flashy, and break down a lot.  Sage is more of the English style, and Annie, well, she isn't just a field lab, she is a hunter herself.

Sage, I am convinced, has more of her mother's genes, even though she has her father's color and blocky style.  Her mother was quite sweet.  And spent the better part of her life underneath my friend Mary's desk.

English labs.  They know how to live with class.

Murphy's Day.

Monday, November 15, 2010


Several weeks ago my friend Les emailed to say he had piled a trailer with "stuff" to take to the dump.  It was a multi-day, multi-room task, rummaging through many memories, then choosing to keep or discard.  So it was with me this weekend (although I didn't load a trailer).  And I only got through the piles of magazines and catalogs that enveloped my desk and back closet.  I haven't even begun to think about the basement, garage, and upstairs "guest" room.

The girls got lots of attention and urban walks.  They really are not urban dogs, so the idea of walking down to the video store or through the local market (man, do those vendors know how to rip you off in food prices!  It was one of the reasons I stopped shopping at the Pike Place Market and now, rarely, go to the chi-chi local Sunday market...and of course, the best was the guy who showed up in his double cab Toyota Tundra and hops out with his made-in-China-filled-with-lead re-usable shopping bag.  Now there is someone who is saving the Earth!  Ok, sorry, an aside rant).  So we did those walks.  They of course now like those walks even more than romping in the woods because there seem to be lots of dog biscuits involved!


Murphy's Day.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Taking Over

I realized several evenings ago that Annie has taken over the household.  If I spend a few minutes "lovin' on" Sage, Annie's head pops into the middle of the action.  Trying to take Sage for a quiet, alone, walk is nearly impossible as Annie waits next to her leash.  And my mornings, alone, with Sage become a tad chaotic if Annie (aka Radar Ears) hears Sage rustling and comes downstairs.

Annie sits right behind Sage as Sage eats dinner, waiting to lick her big sister's bowl.  And while I am eating lunch her head always plops on my lap, tail wagging, reminding me that part of my lunchtime is playing fetch with her.

It's been a total take over.

Murphy's Day.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

For the Veterans

Dogs, particularly labs and shepherds, are used by our armed forces and see combat everyday.  Dogs of many breeds have been trained and are now used by airport security to sniff out bombs.  And dogs have been used successfully in helping Veterans through injuries, wounds, or trauma.

Today is a day for our Veterans.  At Murphy's Day we also want to salute the amazing dogs who also put their lives on the line and give all their unconditional love, to keep us safe.  They are Veterans, too.

Murphy's Day.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Standard Time

Changing the clocks is hard enough for me, but for the girls this past weekend seemed to through them for a loop.  They are totally routinized.  Late afternoon walk at 4:30, dinner at 6, wake up at 4:30AM on the weekdays, 6:30 on weekends...

So, on Monday around 3:30 they both came into my "office," wandered around, wondering when I would shove back from my desk and take them.  And every morning they have gotten up rather than sleep past when I leave for my run, thinking it's the weekend.

Lab standard time doesn't require changing clocks.  It requires settling into a new routine, an hour off...I just sense they are thinking: "Jeez, what is up with Mommie?  Do we have to re-train her?"

Murphy's Day.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Go Fetch

Annie has been slow to develop in this area, but now she is totally addicted: balls, sticks, toys.  Can not get enough of the "go fetch" routine.

It really is amazing to watch her grow-up.  She still has not lost that puppy-like enthusiasm for toys, attention, anything resembling play.  And surely one of her goals is to continually annoy and enjoy Sage.  If having a younger sister is supposed to keep you young, Sage will live forever.  Annie keeps her going.

Annie Oakley, the ultimate goon-ball.

Murphy's Day.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Out of Town

Got a chance to be out of town on Friday and Saturday.  Despite the weather, it was good to be someplace where all the talking heads could not lambast us with their latest analysis of politics, much less the radio reception for the UW game was so bad we didn't have to endure their humiliation.

You know things are bad when the post-game commentary sounds like this: "well, they played well for the first quarter."

Walks in the country are good for the soul.

Murphy's Day.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Can't Get Enough of Your Love

Only Barry White could capture Annie.

Here is a link to Annie's theme song!

Murphy's Day.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Sweet Baby Sage

Of course, Sage's song is James Taylor's "Sweet Baby James."  It's a lullaby as well as a lament for carrying all the sorrows of the world.  But the song also has such a sweet tune and gentleness about it.  It's Sage.

A link to a James Taylor performance is here

And just substitute Sage for James.

"Rock-a-bye Sweet Baby Sage...."

Murphy's Day.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Theme Songs

Don't ask how I ever got onto this, but all three of my labs have theme songs.  Murphy's became "Louie Louie" but sung to "Murphy Murphy."  And when I began singing it, she would always come to me.

Here is a link to the song as done by the Kingsmen.  Substitute Murphy for Louie.

When Murphy died in my arms, I sang it to her.  I just know she is out there somewhere, ready to dance.

Murphy's Day.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

The Road Less Travelled

The girls just got back from a weekend in eastern Washington (or more precisely, North Central Washington).  They hadn't been out of the city for awhile, so they went a little crazy.  Romping, a few mad dogs, wrestling, and indeed, Annie even herded three very large Black Angus cows.

What is amazing to watch is Annie's speed on the run.  She barrels down hill...and even more amazing, runs at full speed up hill when I call!

It was nice to get them out, to watch the in their native element!

Murphy's Day.

Monday, November 1, 2010

It's November

This is a month that haunts us.  Two years ago Murphy died.  Then last year, my mother.  A fog of sadness descends in November.  I remember calling my aunt after my mother died and she said: "why do they all have to go in November?"

Yet, this is the month of Thanksgiving.  We celebrate harvest, our family, friends, good things.

The leaves have changed.  The days are short.  It's cooler.  Snow is coming in the mountains....It's a tough month ahead.  But I am so very thankful for my family and friends, and of course, the two knuckle-heads in my life.  Annie makes me laugh and Sage's soulfulness grabs my heart.

Murphy's Day.

Friday, October 29, 2010

It's The Weekend

I am vowing not to watch the UW Huskies, but rather to find some way to enjoy the weekend (in the rain).

Two day road trip anyone?  Girls are ready!  They are in search of more tricks than treats!

Happy Halloween.

Murphy's Day.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Seattle's Dog Problem

Seattle loves to tout itself as "dog friendly."  And it is becoming seriously invested in so-called "new urbanism" which means lots of money spent on painting lines in streets for bikes and more signs for pedestrian walkways.  Our mayor constantly talks about making Seattle "walkable."

Indeed, in my neighborhood, we have been way ahead of this new trend.  One the southern end of this neck of the woods we have a small green grocer, who has been there long before the term "foodie" came about.  There is also one of the last remaining independent video rental stores, a coffee shop, barber, and restaurant.  Many neighbors love to walk their dogs to any of these shops, tie the dog outside for a minute, get coffee, or a DVD, or those darn ingredients you forgot for your pasta.  On the northern end of the neighborhood is a popular park and another coffee shop.  Again, neighbors love to walk their dogs to the park (which has an off-leash dog park) then stop for coffee.

We walk!

But Seattle government apparently doesn't want us to walk with our dogs.  While the dogs are allowed into the video store on weekdays, they can not come into the coffee shops, restaurants, or green grocer.  All of those establishments have water bowls outside for the dogs and usually give treats to them.  But Seattle's Animal Control has found an obscure ordinance which allows them to ticket dog owners if the dog is tied up and has one paw on public rights of way.  I kid you not.

Here is a link to an incident that happened at my local library.

Seattle is a very sad place to live.

Murphy's Day.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Tuned Out

As we rapidly head toward election day (although with voting by mail-in ballot, election day can be whenever you want), I realize as I continue to erase all the robo-calls ("This is the Sierra Club reminding you..."  "XXXX is a spending liberal."  "YYYY doesn't care about women...") and try to change TV channels to avoid the yelling and screaming, that the girls really couldn't care.  Certainly elections affect their lives.  Whether it's Seattle's mayor who seems determined to make our traffic congestion even worse, thus delaying their rides to parks, or an increase in taxes which may impact the number of treats they get (and there was the state legislator last year who wanted to increase taxes on pet food to pay for????), but through all the yelling and ridiculousness, the girls have remained calm.

And I am determined to adopt their attitude: "what election?"

Murphy's Day.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Playing in the Rain

Wet and windy.  Doesn't seem to deter labs, who love to play in the rain.  When we came back from our run on Sunday morning they were quite happy being totally muddy.  The only weather that gets to these two dogs is thunder.

Me?  I want to pull the covers up and go back to idea of playing in the rain!

Murphy's Day.

Monday, October 25, 2010

The Clown Turns Two

Today is Annie Oakley's second birthday.  Clowns never age.  Annie is still very much a puppy.

Happy Birthday to the dog who makes me laugh out loud every day.

Murphy's Day.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Still Minnie-Me

Annie is almost two years old and she is still a minnie-me. Anytime there is something "new" to her world, whether a new person, a new dog, a new schedule, she looks to Sage to figure out what to do.  Fortunately, Sage is perfect for the "training," because she has that "been there, done that" demeanor.  It is cute to watch Annie, though, carefully examine what  Sage is going to do.

Murphy's Day.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Out for Dinner

On Tuesday evening I went out to dinner at a friend's.  They live near-by and my role was to bring the main course.  This perplexed the girls.  It meant an earlier walk, earlier dinner, and then, I think in their minds, being abandoned.

When I returned several hours later, they were at the back door.  Annie literally was on Sage's back.  Many leaps, tail wags, kisses, it's as if I returned from battle.

"Mommie, you're alive!"

Nothing better than being greeted by a lab.

Murphy's Day.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Sage, Out Standing in A Field

Sweet Sage.  As she gets older, though, she is beginning to let me know when she has "had enough."  A young puppy on our walk gets a snip, Annie might get a growl.  Sage even growls at me if I am telling her to do something she doesn't want to do.

But she really is Sweet Sage.  She wants all the hugs, ear and belly rubs I can give her.  And she should get all of them.  She is an outstanding girl.

Murphy's Day.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

How Did You Get Her to Sit?

Sunday I took the girls on a hike.  I wanted to get some nice photos of the them, so as one point I told them to sit and stay.  The problem is when I wanted them to look at the camera, they would then come to me because I was calling their names.  Duh!

But I did manage to capture this shot of Annie (the dog who never sits still).   The hunter, looking for something to chase.

It was a gorgeous fall day.  Sage and Annie had a blast, as did I.

Murphy's Day.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Submarine Dog

Annie on the Yakima River...she is a submarine.  Many dogs will put their nose in the water, but Annie goes whole body.

Murphy's Day.

Friday, October 15, 2010

No Plans

Sometimes it is nice to swing into a weekend with no plans (but for ideas on where to get the girls out to romp).

College football is sad around here (lots o' hype about the Huskies which, of course, turned out to be wrong) but the Lab Team may have to have a game on Friday night.  Then, of course, there are always runs in the morning....but really, no plans.  Hopefully we can sleep in and let the days just roll out...

Murphy's Day

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Why Didn't I Think Of That?

Last summer I bought this inexpensive screen door-thing for my back door.  During the warm seasons (defined around here as every season but High Winter) I leave the back door open while I am home working.  The dogs can wander in and out and Annie can complete her total destruction plan for my garden.

So this screen isn't a door, but nylon mesh with a slit in the middle.  Magnets keep it closed, but it's really made for the dogs, who can just walk through it via the split.

Now, why didn't I think of that?

Murphy's Day

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Ball Throw Brawls

Just like baseball games, our backyard ball throws frequently end up in lab brawls.  Annie is becoming quite the retriever, finally, and Sage loves to amble over, nonchalantly pick up the ball (thus starting the brawl).  Annie attacks, wrestling begins, and I become totally irrelevant.

Murphy's Day.