Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Biscuit Time

When Murphy was young, biscuits were the trick.  She loved her treats, although pigs ears seemed to really grasp her attention.  Sage went ga-ga over little cheese and liver heart biscuits.  I tried those early on with Annie and she turned up her nose, but recently I can't seem to keep enough of them in the house.  They go everywhere with me!

Of course, Sage, always attuned to any advantage the "kid" might be getting, can hear the lid of the container I keep biscuits in being opened from a range of, oh, 5 miles!  So, whether I've called her or not, I can get Sage to come by just opening the can.  Annie is of that lab age where if there is a distraction that seems Much More Interesting than biscuit, well, we know what wins.

But biscuit time is good time here.

Murphy's day.

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