Friday, January 16, 2009

Murphy, Reincarnated

photo courtesy of Ann McCracken

I brought Murphy home at the end of February, 1994.  And in March, 1994, I pulled Murphy out of the raging with spring melt Housatonic River.  Her eyes were wide, but she was not afraid, just wondering whether she would end up in Long Island Sound!

I have a sneaking feeling Miss Annie is the same.  She shows no fear, only curiosity.  

We walk, in the afternoons, toward a small lake and along a creek.  The first few days my friend, Scott, carried Annie across.  But one day we let Annie figure out how  to cross.  Ann and I watched Annie walk up to the creek, growl, then back up.  She did that a few times (Ann said she was cussing the water!).  Then, Annie leapt into the creek, roared up the bank, and it hasn't been the same since.

She has Murphy in her.

Murphy's day.

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