Friday, January 30, 2009

Now What?

One of the best things about puppies is the "now what?"  You know, they finish, or actually almost finish something and give you that brief look, now what?  

As I type this my home looks like the end of the day at a day care center.  Toys are strewn everywhere.  Chairs slightly tilting, leaning against tables.  It's a mess.  Annie scampers in, looking at me, now what?

She's three months old.  Only three months, I think to myself.  I've got a long long way to go.

Now what?

Murphy's day.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Training Day

Well, certainly not just a day, but training is happening.  Of course, I home school my girls, which means a number of frustrating days, a few glimmers of hope, and finally, one moment when they actually come when called!  

But the best trainer is Sage.  She was, I can hear all of you falling off your chairs as you read this, actually very easy to train.  And when I begin working with Annie (three times a day for short stints) Sage always shows up, sits at the front of the class, and does all the exercises perfectly (I tell her no one likes a show off).

We're working hard here...

Murphy's day.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Too Cute

Yesterday's visit to the vet only reinforced what Annie clearly knows: she is too cute.  The vet is all over her, giving her treats, enabling her to get her own treats, every vet tech comes in for puppy love...too cute.  By the time I got her home her head was way too big for her little body.

Thank goodness Sage reminded her who is top dog.

In the meantime, I found the trick to get her to come when I want her, at least if she is in the back yard.  Open the container with her food.  She can make it up those back steps in record time.  

And, indeed there is Murphy and Sage in her.  I throw a tennis ball and she gets it, even brings it back, then walks away.  We'll see if I can get that to change.

She's cute all right.  Maybe I can charge admission!

Murphy's day.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009


Everyone asks: How is Sage handling her new sister?

I admit, I was a little worried.  Sage came into this house as top dog. Murphy was so docile, that she let Sage rule the roost.  But I did notice when Murphy died, Sage became quiet.  Oh, we had our fun, played football, but she seemed subdued.

Not any more.  She initiates play with Annie, takes swipes at her, lets her know when Annie has crossed over that boundary that delineates between top dog and young pup.  Plus, Sage knows she can come to me for all sorts of extra loving, and for treats that she shouldn't have (remember that weight loss thing I am working on?  Out the window).

I am proud of Sage.  She is full of amazing grace.

Murphy's day.

Monday, January 26, 2009

It's All New

One of the great things about having a puppy in your life is being able to see the world through their eyes.  It's all new to them.  Everything.  The sticks, the sounds, the snow, the water, the sleeping bags, the smell of a latte (she'll soon learn it's a necessity for Mom).  

Yesterday, a Red-tailed hawk soared over head, letting out it's iconic vocalization (that every movie director substitutes for a Bald eagle).  Annie looked up, then at Sage, and scampered over to me.  What was that?  I smiled, picked her up (while I can, which won't be much longer) and explained about hawks and eagles.  She hiccuped.

It's good to see the world, again.

Murphy's day.

Friday, January 23, 2009


How disappointing to find out this performance was "finger synched."  Too bad it wasn't a movie, we might have seen the quartet nominated for "best short feature film!"


Phew.  I forgot how much work it is to have a puppy in the house.

What's that noise?  Push back from desk, walk into living room to pick up scattered bits of pine cone, pick up puppy, pull out vacuum.  

Annie?  Annie?  Walk around house because it really is way too quiet, scouting for dog and whatever evidence of torn up something she has left behind.

Be a good girl, Annie, good girl...It's, what, 2:30 AM, freezing cold, and that bed was oh-so warm...

Murphy's day.

Thursday, January 22, 2009


I have had many puppies, from Alex to Annie.  I am used to the usual puppy issues, teaching them where to pee and poop, to not chew on my furniture, enabling the moony eyed begging...but Annie has finally stumped me.  Her eating.

So, the first few days nothing could please her more than food.  Then we had a period of diarrhea, so I went to rice and chicken broth, gradually re-introducing kibble (going back to the stuff she was eating when she came out here).  All was going well until Tuesday night, when she threw up.  I put down just hard kibble, the kind I want her to eat, and she gobbled that up, ate a bit more a little later.  

This morning I gave her a little, she ate, then I gave her some more when I sensed she was stable.  She ate, but didn't seem ecstatic about the kibble, as if she was missing the rice and broth.  Go figure.

She has tons of energy, seems fine...

My friend Bill has been fielding questions, we return to our vet on Monday.

She is a mystery.

Murphy's day.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Sleeping Through it All

For those of you who don't know, I am a classical music freak.  And yesterday's Presidential Inauguration gave us a wonderful arrangement of American composers, by the most famous American composer, John Williams.  Click on the link to listen.  

Annie and Sage slept through it all, wondering where the new First Pup was going to sleep.

Murphy's day.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Follow Me!

The theory is an older, well behaved dog can teach a young pup the rules, ropes, and way of the pack.  That's the theory.

Of course, I didn't take into account it would be Monster, Inc doing the training.  I have a sneaking suspicion that Annie is the sequel.

Seriously, it is great fun to watch them together.  Sage goes from enjoying the company to heading upstairs to the safety of a high spot.  But she takes her role as mentor seriously, or at least seriously enough to growl about it.

Annie?  She is young enough to be totally oblivious.

Murphy's day.

Monday, January 19, 2009


And, well, we're still all getting to know each other.  Annie's digestive system has been a little off, so with the help of our friend Bill, we're onto a routine of getting her back on track.  That was a few sleepless nights.  Then there was the trip to eastern Washington this weekend.  Snow.  Lots of sticks.  A big river.  Sage to follow around.  Noises.  Smells: deer, ermine (no kidding, there is one there), coyote, more than likely cougar (not the Wazoo kind although there are lots of those over in Cashmere, too).

She did well.

I'll post pics later.

I am most proud of Sage, who is standing her ground, letting Annie know who is top dog, not taking any guff from this little dog.

And?  Well, it's a steep learning curve.  I am a long way from the plateau.

Murphy's day.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Murphy, Reincarnated

photo courtesy of Ann McCracken

I brought Murphy home at the end of February, 1994.  And in March, 1994, I pulled Murphy out of the raging with spring melt Housatonic River.  Her eyes were wide, but she was not afraid, just wondering whether she would end up in Long Island Sound!

I have a sneaking feeling Miss Annie is the same.  She shows no fear, only curiosity.  

We walk, in the afternoons, toward a small lake and along a creek.  The first few days my friend, Scott, carried Annie across.  But one day we let Annie figure out how  to cross.  Ann and I watched Annie walk up to the creek, growl, then back up.  She did that a few times (Ann said she was cussing the water!).  Then, Annie leapt into the creek, roared up the bank, and it hasn't been the same since.

She has Murphy in her.

Murphy's day.

Thursday, January 15, 2009


I ran into my friends Pam and Tad yesterday morning.  And we talked about the puppy.  Pam and Tad take in rescue dogs, Airedales and Airedale wanna-be dogs (which have a soft spot in my heart since my first dog when I was an adult was Alex, a fabulous Airedale).  

We all agreed that dogs are pack animals and that older dogs usually enjoy having another dog around.

I post this picture as Exhibit A of that theory.

Murphy's day.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Excuse Me

Well, we went to the vet today.  We decided to stay with our clinic,but since Dr. Nancy is, ah-hem, in Hawaii, we went with the doctor who operated on Sage's knee.

He fell in love with Annie.  Loves the breed, loves this dog, even loved her name.  

So Annie is off and as you can see, running.  This landing was Murphy's favorite spot.  Then Sage took it over, and allows the dogs to know who is at the front door, hear me downstairs but also know when I go upstairs.  It's like being in  an indoor treehouse.

We ran into our friends, Scott, Ann, Maisey, and Dexter last night.  I had to tell them about Annie's courage crossing the creek.  I already see many signs of Murphy in her.  It's a good mix, the two of them, Sage and Annie.  Did I really hesitate in thinking about her?

Murphy's day.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Sage as Top Dog

Well, I am here to report that Sage is doing her best to remain top dog.  But Annie is giving her a run for her money.  So far, Sage has size on her side, but Annie has guts.  She will take on Sage at every opportunity.  

And yes, I did forget the energy puppies have.  Phew.  I seem to recall Mary kept telling me Annie was calm?  Hmmm.

But Annie does have some Murphy in her.  Like her ancestor, she seems willing to try just about everything at least once.  

Murphy's day.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Day Four

Sunday was Day 4.  

Annie has the best of both worlds in her blood.  Some of Murphy's pedigree and some of Sage's.  For those of you who know the house, you will recognize this stair landing, half way between the main and upstairs floors.  This was Murphy's perch, Sage's guard station and...yep, Annie has attempted to lay claim.  Of course, it's Sage's until she relinquishes it and she let Annie know that.  Grrrr.  Listen punk...

But you know, Sage has been wonderful with her.  Letting her know who is top dog (not Annie and not  any human), showing her that good things come when you come and sit, and most importantly, how to play football.  

Day 4 in a long life.  

I had a tradition when I get pups.  I hold them up to my face and I say: I promise I will care for you the rest of your life.  

Day 4 in a long series of days for Annie and Sage.

Murphy's day.

Friday, January 9, 2009


Well, everyone is getting adjusted.  But here she is, last night, ruling the kitchen floor!

Murphy's day.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Holy Cow!

We can only imagine what this pup has been through the past few days.  So, here she is, last night, wondering what is going on?  Holy cow, is this where I am going to live?  And who is that big dog?  But hey, food bowls big enough for me!

Alaska Airlines

Well, Annie is here!  She spent a delightful hour having Sage chase her through the living room.  Mary's husband called her courageous, smart, and active.  Apt.

I'll get pics tomorrow.  But let me say, Alaska Airlines had a huge hiccup (pricing), but other than that, they were great.  Half hour early!

Sage and Annie...uh-oh.

Murphy's day.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009


Just a brief update.  Sage is spending the evening waiting for Annie mooching everything she can...chewies, biscuits...she knows there is a roast in the fridge.

Smart dog.

Murphy's day.


Just a brief update.  Sage is spending the evening waiting for Annie mooching everything she can...chewies, biscuits...she knows there is a roast in the fridge.

Smart dog.

Murphy's day.

Soooo, Why Did Mommie Bring in the Crate?

Hmmm.  Sage is very curious.  Crate brought in from garage.  Food bowls down on kitchen floor.  Old socks with knots tied in them.  Hmmm.

Sage's old crate cracks me up.  In an attempt to make it more decorative, I loaded the outside with stickers:  fly fishing companies like Simms, Big Yellow Dog Fly Fishing Adventures, out door companies like Patagonia and of course, a sticker extolling the virtues of saving Utah's red rocks.  I have several dog related stickers like Ruff Ware and a bakery in Ketchum, Idaho (Sage is convinced that is dog related).  If Annie reads she'll know what kind of family she is getting into.  Outdoor adventures!

But I dunno, my friend Mary put a pink collar on her.  Pink!  Yikes!  Perhaps Annie will be more comfortable laying on the couch watching the Westminster Dog Show (I won't let her watch American Idol or Bad Girls of Orange County).  

Well, we'll meet her tonight...gulp!  Sage knows something is up...

Murphy's day.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009


Ok, plane reservations made.  Food bought.  Bed washed.  Now we're waiting.

I took Murphy's old food bowls out, put them on the floor.  Sage sniffed them, looked at me, sniffed them again.  I told her, again, about Annie.  She sniffed the bowls then went to bed.

We're waiting.

Murphy's day.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Here She Comes

Annie arrives on Wednesday evening.  Spent the day getting the house ready...still a bit more to do.  Sage knows something is up, but she is distracted by the Sunday evening snow and a long walk at Tiger Mountain.  

Mary, my friend, called on Sunday evening to report Annie is full of character, that she has her husband, not a dog person, wrapped totally around her paw, and has stared down Mary's two labs (one who is Sage's sister).  Oh dear.  I have my hands full.

But, if she is like what Mary says, then she definitely has some of Murphy in her.

Murphy's day.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Annie Oakley

Sometimes things work in mysterious ways.

Meet Sage's sister, Annie Oakley.  She will be in Seattle on Wednesday night.

She has some of Murphy's father, Huston, in her and her mother was Sage's cousin.  How could I say no?  As important, she comes from someone who I trust, who knew this breeder and her kennel (as in, the dogs do not live in crates all day...)

She will be almost 10 weeks by the time she arrives.

Murphy's day.

Friday, January 2, 2009

Looking for Murphy

It's been over a month.  This past week we went to eastern Washington.  At some point, Sage went looking for Murphy.  Or at least, she wandered, sniffing all the spots where Murphy usually wandered.  And during the routine, she seemed to be looking for her before she would go on our usual walks, eat, or sleep.  It was sad.

I suspect we're both looking for Murphy.

Murphy's day.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year

Happy New Year!

I didn't sleep last night.  Not because we celebrate New Year's eve, but because I kept listening for Sage.  Murphy became very stressed with all the fireworks, loud bangs, and Happy New Years being yelled throughout the neighborhood.  The quiet New Years were usually spent in Whitefish, Montana where everyone collapsed after a long day of skiing.  So, as a reflex last night, I laid in bed listening, worrying.  

I must live in a neighborhood of east coast transplants, because the firecrackers began at 9 PM!  Hello!  You live on the "other coast now!"  

But Sage went into her soft crate and I didn't hear a peep from her.  When I came down stairs this morning, finally giving up on trying to sleep, she was on her bed, snoring away.  My guess though if I convinced my friend Scott to take her duck hunting she would panic with the shotgun and be long gone.  Maybe Sage is truly a party animal!

Murphy's day.