I have had many puppies, from Alex to Annie. I am used to the usual puppy issues, teaching them where to pee and poop, to not chew on my furniture, enabling the moony eyed begging...but Annie has finally stumped me. Her eating.
So, the first few days nothing could please her more than food. Then we had a period of diarrhea, so I went to rice and chicken broth, gradually re-introducing kibble (going back to the stuff she was eating when she came out here). All was going well until Tuesday night, when she threw up. I put down just hard kibble, the kind I want her to eat, and she gobbled that up, ate a bit more a little later.
This morning I gave her a little, she ate, then I gave her some more when I sensed she was stable. She ate, but didn't seem ecstatic about the kibble, as if she was missing the rice and broth. Go figure.
She has tons of energy, seems fine...
My friend Bill has been fielding questions, we return to our vet on Monday.
She is a mystery.
Murphy's day.