Thursday, December 24, 2009

Merry Christmas

It's been quite a year. And the girls and I are going to take a few days off from writing, just to re-coup and hopefully restore.

Have a wonderful Holiday!

Murphy's day.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Yes, Annie, There is A Santa

So far, no tree in the house. But Annie knows something is up. Stockings came from the basement last night. And a suspicious package from Mud Bay, the dog store, that was locked in the linen closet.


Murphy's day.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Life is Good

Sage has had a rough time. Murphy dying November 2008, her knee surgery, losing my mother (who was her friend), and Annie trying to establish her place in the pecking order (humans at the bottom). But I was closely watching Sage this weekend and I think she is actually very happy right now. She has lost some weight, placing less stress on her knee, she seems to know when to snarl at Annie and when to play, and she doesn't seem as subdued as she was this time last year. I know she realizes I am down, but she is doing her best to cheer me up as only a lab can do...rolling on her back to let me scratch her belly.

Life is good.

Murphy's day.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Winter's Solstice

Great ad for Orvis!

Annie decided to sleep in during these dark, winter days. Can't blame her.

Murphy's day.

Friday, December 18, 2009

Long, Dreary Week

We're at the end of a long, dreary week. Rain, lots of rain, lots of driving for my father, lots of "on hold" for bureaucrats. Long, dreary week. But Annie and Sage have been always willing to make me laugh, or in Annie's case, at least distract me by getting into mischief. See Mom, it's not so bad, look at how easy it was for me to eat the throw on your bed!

Murphy's day.

Thursday, December 17, 2009


It's indoor weather. Dreary. I really don't understand people here in Seattle who prefer warm, winter rain to cold and sun. Bring on the sun any day. And now, we're about to get the warm, pineapple effect, where all the snow we got in the mountains will melt.

Time to hunker in, play with toys (the girls) and for me to work.

Murphy's day.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Carbon Footprints

We're past the half-way point in the climate change talks at Copenhagen, Denmark. So we decided to think about Sage and Annie's carbon footprint. They have both flown, in fact that is how they got to Washington. Their toys, more than likely, were made in and imported from China. In fact, as we learned a few years ago with the recalled dog food, probably some ingredient of their food comes from China. Their dog beds were probably made over seas....and worst of all they love to ride in my smallish SUV to get to a park so they can romp off leash (which they also do in the back yard). They also seem to like it when I finally turn the heat on...

It's not a pretty carbon footprint, but frankly, other than all the imports, which I am not happy about, I don't think I would change their lives.


Murphy's day.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Teasing Annie

This weekend I was teasing Annie. My friend, Mary, called me on Christmas Day to tell me about this litter of "hunting labs." And the next day I had a picture of Mary, her daughter-in-law, and four female pups (two in each of their arms). My eyes drifted to the calm, light colored on, that Mary thought was the smaller (or runt). But I hesitated about getting another dog and before I made up my mind, three females were gone. The crazy looking one in Mary's left hand was left.


As I teased her, she just rolled on her back, as if to say: whatever Mommie. I'm here, deal with it.

Murphy's day.

Monday, December 14, 2009

There Are Few Things Worse

Really, I love the snow in the city. And there are few things worse for the dogs and me when weather forecasters hype up that there will be snow and it doesn't happen.

No snow.

Murphy's day.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Is That Snow in the Forecast?

As if to further egg on the dogs, there is snow in the forecast. While the cold and sun has been, well, err, gorgeous, this idea of snow will only make the dogs ecstatic (and I do enjoy watching them romp. Snow does not bother me, although Seattle drivers in the snow are a whole other issue).

Let it snow!

Murphy's day.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Someone Loves This Weather

Most humans become spry and active around 65°. But not labs. They revel in cold, cold, cold.

Annie loves this weather. She is up at 4:30 AM, ready to rock and roll.

Murphy's day.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Sleeping Warm

Years and years ago, right after my father had his heart attack, my Mom stayed with me. She slept in my bed and I took the guest room. Murphy, knowing something was wrong, climbed into bed with Mom every night and laid her head on Mom's legs. Mom, who'd never slept with a dog in her life, was delighted.

This week it's really cold here in Seattle. I turn the heat off at night, so I encouraged Sage to come up and sleep with me. I am sandwiched between Sage and Annie. Totally toasty warm, with Annie doing her best Murphy imitation laying her head on my legs.

It does not get much better.

Murphy's day.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Winter People

My mother was not a winter person. Even though she loved the labs, who are definitely winter dogs, she was not as thrilled by the cold, the snow, the frost, as they are. In her last days she looked out the window at the grey, cold Seattle day and said: "I hate grey."

But the girls, they are ecstatic winter is here. Nothing better than a good romp in the frost and snow, being able to cuddle up in bed at night. Absolutely nothing better. They have made me laugh with their antics in the cold.

Murphy's day.

Monday, December 7, 2009


It's ironic that on the opening day of the Copenhagen round of climate treaty talks, it's really really cold here in the Northwest. We've got double duty, trying to stay warm ourselves and keeping Dad warm. It's too bad he doesn't want to cuddle up with the girls, they would help. Annie is so active, she pumps out a zillion btus even when she is sleeping.

Winter, even if it's not the calendar winter, yet, is here. Bare, cold, and an added dose of missing Mom.

Murphy's day.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Comedians Are Sensitive to Sad

They say that comedians are sensitive to sad.

Annie is the house crack-up. And she has spent the past month, since Mom was hospitalized, trying to make me laugh, giggle, smile, and just remain calm.

I think she needs a raise in her allowance. She's had to work pretty hard. Doing the funny thing with her ears that labs do so well, rolling down hills, leaping on her sister (and missing the target), bringing me dead toys while I am on the phone...

Murphy's day.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009


It's been and continues to be, a whirlwind of activity. But I have managed to find sometime to think (mostly, of course, in the middle of the night).

And one of the things I keep thinking about is how grateful I am to have taken Mom to some of the places I love. Over the past ten years I have gotten her to the Methow Valley, Cashmere, Glacier National Park, Sun Valley, Hood River, Walla Walla, Pendleton (nope, not during rodeo...), Ashland, La Conner. Every time, every place, she willingly took a leash, walking Murphy, Riley, or Sage.

I feel her spirit soaring in the hills, mountains, river canyons, estuaries that we were able to explore. Hopefully she is holding Murphy and Riley's leash.

Murphy's day.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Quietly Searching

I know when I leave the dogs are always looking. And I get a sense they continue to do that for my mom. I used to take them over to her place every day, or almost every day. And before her hip surgery last spring, they would bound into her place, tails going over the tail-speed-limit, looking for my parents. Now, when I go they wait in the car, and certainly know from my sighs and tears, something is not right.

Murphy's day.

Monday, November 30, 2009

Why We Love Them

When my husband died in a climbing accident I had Alex, an 8 month old Airedale. She was fantastic for me, getting me going in the morning, making me laugh, just cuddling with me at night.

Same thing with Sage and Annie right now. Annie, the class clown, has a million antics up her sleeve. She's been pulling out the stops. And Sage, well, she just stares at me with her wise eyes, piercing through to where it hurts.

Thank God they are here with me.

Murphy's day.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Why Is It Always the Holidays?

I called my aunt the other day to tell her about my mother. She is my mother's sister-in-law, the widow of my beloved uncle who was the rancher. After a discussion about my mother, my aunt asked: why is it always the holidays? Indeed, in our family, my Grandmother died on Christmas Eve, my uncle near Thanksgiving, and of course, last year with Murphy.

Heavy hearts during this time of year.

Murphy's day.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

It's Been A Year

It's been a year since Murphy died. I miss her terribly, especially with Mom dying. They had a special bond. My mother was reserved, loved all things in the color of white, so I was quite shocked when she fell head over heels with gregarious Murphy. But there was something mischievous about both of them and oh, what a bond they had. I hope Mom and Murphy have re-connected by now and that Murphy is giving Mom those big, brown eyes, begging for a treat.

I thought I would re-post this video I made last year.

Thank you, all of you, who have been so supportive of us during Murphy's death and now with my mother. It's been a year, a very long year.

Murphy's day.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Beverly McDonald

My mother died last night.

She was passionate about life, gardening, nature, dogs, and especially her family.

I shall miss her terribly.

Murphy's day.

Friday, November 20, 2009


Yesterday I cried after talking with my Mom's doctor. Annie came and put her head on my lap. Already wise...she knows something is really really wrong.

Murphy's day.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Knowing When

As I approach the anniversary of Murphy's death I've been thinking a lot about knowing when. When did I know it was time for Murph?

On the day before she died she, like so many others, rallied. But for a lab, it's actually hard to describe it as a rally, it's more that she just did what she does: went for a long walk in a field, sat in the sun, enjoyed being hugged, put her head on my lap. On the drive home from eastern Washington, I sensed she was more than just tired, she was ready to let go.

The next morning I was sure of it. She didn't want food, but took a small bite from my hand, as if to make me feel better. She took one look at me and I knew...

It's the hardest thing. Even a year later, to think about. Knowing when.

Murphy's day.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009


Storms have been pounding the PNW. Time to hunker in and play inside.

Murphy's day.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Life Vests

So we're also caring for my father. Every afternoon, I have the girls clamber into the car and head to my father's. Time for dinner! We spend lots of time with him, then check on my mom at the hospital, and finally, the girls get a walk. Makes for a long car ride for them.

We're Dad's life vest right now. But he would enjoy seeing anyone who wants to visit him.

Murphy's day.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Where's Grandma?

The dog's grandma is still in the hospital. Things are tough right now, so if we miss an entry, please forgive us.

The dogs know. They know. They know something is upsetting me. They cuddle, they hang around, they nuzzle.

It's a tough time....

Murphy's day.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Long Long Long Year

It's not even December, yet, and we're already looking forward to the calendar turning, hoping for the new year. It's almost been a year since Murphy died, then Mom's various health's been a long, long, long 12 months.

Murphy's day.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

What Dogs Do

When I walk in the door, tired and stressed out to the max, two Yellow labs greet me, tails wagging, kissing up my knee caps like that is the very best thing to do...and I smile.

Murphy's day.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Murphy Are You In There?

Sage does not wear silly hats, no dog frillies, and won't even deign to sleep under a blanket no matter how cold it is.

Murphy, on the other hand, indulged me. She wore my silly hats, she would allow herself to be zipped into a sleeping bad, and once wore a Yale T-shirt!

I think I have another Murphy. I read in Just Labs a marvelous obituary of a black lab. And several months later, the woman was owned by a pup. She said what goes without saying, that each dog is unique, each brings marvelous qualities. And though you may have lost a fantastic dog, the new pup has "the right stuff, too." But I have to say, this Annie. There sure is a lot o' Murphy in her!

Murphy's day.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Hidin' Out

It was a long weekend, culminating in an emergency trip to the hospital for my mother.

Annie decided it was best to hide out.

Murphy's day.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Thank Goodness

Thank goodness it's Friday. It's been a long long week. Time to rough house with the girls, enjoy each other's company.

This time change, by the way, is interesting. Just as the shadows are beginning in the afternoon, which used to be around 4:30, now it's 3:30, the dogs come into my study and begin to demand attention. But it's amazing that even they have shifted time...dogs know all!

Murphy's day.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

City Animals

Several days ago I got back from running errands and looked out my front window. There was this animal in my yard. My mind tried to get wrapped around what it was. First I thought it was a cat, but it didn't have enough fur. I thought maybe a mole, but it was too big.

Pig. It was a pig.

So I watched it for a few minutes, as it rooted around my lawn, then headed north. I was a little worried the girls would see it and cause quite a ruckus.

I then took the girls out back, we played with a ball, all the while I was looking out the front to see if the pig came back. A man peered into the backyard: Have you seen my pig? Not exactly the question you expect in a city neighborhood.

Yep, it headed north.

Eventually I heard the guy walking down my alley, saying bad pig, bad pig.

Life can be interesting sometimes.

Murphy's day.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Autumn Playtime

Both girls seem more frisky. I think it's the cool air, the pedigreed sense that they should be out chasing pheasants or quail, maybe even sitting in a duck blind. But not these two, they would rather wrestle in the middle of the kitchen floor.

Murphy's day.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Taking Care of Sage

Sage remains on medication for her knee. I occasionally give her Rimadyl. But the side effects of Rimadyl are liver and kidney related. Not something to toy with.

Recently, Sage went to the vet for her blood work. Nothing to worry about, but some elevated levels to watch.

So now, we're back to exercising a bit more, get the weight off, and less stress to the knee = less medicine.

She is a love bucket and we need her to be around for a long long time.

Murphy's day.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Friday, October 30, 2009


I don't dress my dogs up for Halloween. But I certainly do fantasize about what they would wear for a costume.

Perhaps Sage would go as a Lab Model, you know, the perfect looking lab? And Annie? Cleverly disguised as a lab puppy!

This will be Annie's first Halloween. We've made it through the dreaded 4th of July, and now we'll see how she does with kids at the door dressed up in crazy outfits. Sage barks and snarls at them...hopefully Annie doesn't mimic that trait.

Happy Halloween!

Murphy's day.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Until Next Summer

This will be one of the last times the girls wade in Icicle Creek. Soon it will freeze, then the run-off which makes Icicle a raging torrent. So we enjoyed some quiet time, wading and watching sticks.

It's been a good season on Icicle for the girls.

Murphy's day.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009


A few hours outside, no leashes, just able to romp. It's great. These two just love the nip in the air, the wonderful Autumn days. It's playtime for them.

If you look closely you'll see Sage protecting a pink ball. Possession, she says, is 9/10ths of dog law. Plus there is nothing better than frustrating Annie.

Murphy's day.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Autumn Glow

Sage just radiates with the Autumn glow. Such a pretty and happy girl.

Murphy's day.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Today is Her Birthday

Ok, so I really don't know her real birthday, but by counting from her nine weeks when she came, it's around now.

1 years old. And let me tell you how she celebrated. Rolling in lots of stinky stuff! Perfume to a young lab!

Time to take her to the Nordstrom's perfume counter for smelly stuff I enjoy!

But Happy Birthday Annie. Even though you have had three baths in two days, I still love you. Pee-u!

Murphy's day.

Friday, October 23, 2009


Now this is more like it. Hand off to Sage, and Annie tackles, trying to force a fumble! Football as it should be!

Murphy's day.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Play Calling

It's tough being the quarterback for the Kissing Labs. They demand good execution and tend to get a little bored with my need to hang out in the pocket.

Just give us the ball, Mommie!

Murphy's day.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Paying Attention

Sage, who will be 6 in two months, has been in every team meeting, watched all the pictures, heard every chalk talk. So, sometimes she feels like she shouldn't have to pay attention to the new x's and o's that I am trying to teach both of them.

Annie, on the other hand, is exuberantly embracing football. Or really, she is embracing any chance I give her to have a scrum with Sage.

Murphy's day.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Chalk Talk

University of Washington Huskies are rebuilding (euphemism for "no hope this season, folks!"), Seahawks, well, er, they are just plain bad.

But there is always, and I mean always, the Kissing Labs. Attentive during practice, eager to watch game film, and anxious to understand the x's and o's during chalk talks.

Murphy's day.

Monday, October 19, 2009


You know those shots, the kidnap victim holding up the New York Times to prove they're alive on a certain date.

Annie scampered out of my bedroom and into the back yard with the front page!

Send ransom!

Murphy's day.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Hall of Fame

On Wednesday, I was walking the dogs in our usual place. After a day of pouring rain, the sun was finally coming out, the rays shining through the wet Douglas fir and White pine needles, it was gorgeous. As we reached the little lake, I started thinking about Murphy. My Murphy. She loved t his walk, ambling along, crawling underneath a log, watching Sage do her mad dogs with other pups we met along the way.

And I felt her with me as we walked.

I realized if there was a dog hall of fame, Murphy would be in it. She was one of the great ones.

Murphy's day.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

When It Rains It Pours

It started raining this week and Annie, wisely, has figured out she can stay in bed while I run in it. Sleeping. Then, sweetly and eagerly greet me when I come through the door, sopped.

She's smart.

Murphy's day.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Can You Find Annie?

Remember that magazine, Highlights? Ah, a trip to the dentist was never the same without figuring out the puzzles. They always had a hidden object in the picture.

Where is Annie (other than hiding from the loose dog)?

Murphy's day.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Country Dogs/Loose Dogs

Residents of Chelan County, like in many rural areas, have slightly different ideas about domestic animals. Particularly outside the small towns, dogs and cats are "free range," in other words, run all over. Well, the cats certainly do. And some dogs. At first, the black lab that showed up every time we pulled in, was cute. It romped with Sage like there was no tomorrow, but when we tried to leave, it would chase the car. We'd spend lots of time trying to get it back home, even leashing it and walking up the road to it's house.

Now there is a neighbor with a pit bull/lab mix who allows his dog to run everywhere. I have frequently had to stop and wait while it stood in the middle of the road. When this dog sees us it is now beginning to think it can mooch food. It is sneaking up to where I feed the girls. I have no idea if this dog has fleas, been vaccinated, has kennel cough, who knows. Last year I asked the neighbor to keep the dog on his property because I was worried about Sage's knee. But that lasted about two weekends.

It drives me nuts. I would never let my dogs wander to other people's property. When I am out of the city, I want to relax with my dogs, not be worried that the dog will try to eat Sage's food and start a dog fight, or give Annie fleas, or...and the dog is no longer responding to my yelling at it to go home. It thinks it owns the place!


Murphy's day.