Monday, December 29, 2008

When She's Five

Sage had a nice birthday.  A toy she has already destroyed.  Two wonderful walks, one along Boeing Creek in search of her friends.  Numerous mad dogs.  And a decision.

I've spent three days thinking, pondering, wondering about the puppy.  Finally my friend Carol, who was there when I decided to bring Murphy into my life, who met me at Dulles when I fly back to get Sage, said to me: I've never known you to hesitate on something like this.  Are you listening to yourself?  And so I did.  On my walk this morning with Sage (where we saw three marvelous Bald eagles) I realized that I had never spent time with just Sage.  Of course, I never spent time with just Murphy.  When I got Murphy I had Riley-O, the famous Soft Coated Wheaten terrier who thought she was Jackie-O (I know, hard to believe I, of all people, could raise a princess, but I did).  And when Riley died, we already had Sage in our lives.  But as I was walking with Sage I realized the quiet, the mellowness, the sadness in our lives is ok, that this soft, gauzy time feels ok.  

The suddeness of having to decide about a pup didn't seem right to me.  And, however this sounds, I think I want Sage to participate in the decision to bring a pup into our  home.  Last, of course, I want Sage's knee to really set.  A pup might cause her to romp just a tish too hard.  And I really don't want to do the second knee...overly protective mom?  You bet!

So, we'll wait.

But we had a great birthday.  And this week is play week, maybe skiing, snowshoeing, perhaps another museum, lots of walks no matter what...

Murphy's day and Sage's birthday.

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