Tuesday, November 11, 2008


It's been four months since Sage's knee surgery.  Recently she seemed to make gigantic leaps in her healing, as well as some gigantic leaps....

The past weekend we went for several long walks and she doesn't seem to show any impact on her knee.  Of course, mine are sore, but maybe that has something to do with our age differences?

In fact, on Saturday, in the tall, dry, grass, she displayed her inner jet pilot, zooming all around me doing a series of mad dogs or fly byes.  Truly scary.  Ears pinned back, tail tuck for aerodynamics.  

And while time may heal all wounds, I suspect both Sage and I will be cautious about her knee, anxious that we won't have to fix the other knee, making sure this surgery "sticks."  

On the other hand, the mad dogs sure are fun!

Murphy's day and Sage, four months out.

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