Saturday, April 12, 2008

The Doggie Lamas

The Dalai Lama is visiting Seattle for a conference on compassion.   No doubt about it, we could all generate a lot more of that in our lives.

Of course, those of us owned by pups, we know a lot about compassion.  Not us giving it to the dogs, but rather how much compassion they give us.   The times I have snapped at Murph because of something she did, her look always said: it's ok Mommy, you'll get over it.  And, I eventually realize my crankiness is about something going on in my life, more than whatever it was Murphy had done.  Ah, wise Murphy.

Murphy is also, I think, becoming keen on meditating.  For instance, yesterday was a nice day here (hmmm, do you suspect there is a link between the good weather and the Dalai Lama?), and Murph enjoys the simplicity of being out in the back yard, sniffing the air, or just laying in the grass, gazing at the tulips that are popping up under the cherry tree.  She seems so content.  

Murphy and Sage are teachers and I am a disciple in understanding how to enjoy life.  Simplicity, caring, compassion, forgiveness, connection with body, thrive in the natural.  

Murphy's day.

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