But the reality is, she needs exercise. I say this mostly to convince myself, but one of the joys in being owned by Yellow labs is that you always know the weather. We get out in it every single day. Usually three times a day.
Last night, for instance, we got in the van to head to the park. The minute I closed the door, it started raining. By the time we were at the park, it was pouring, and in the middle of the walk, it was a monsoon. Did I mention it was cold? And dark? And Murphy was enjoying a slow walk moment?
We have walked in blistering heat in eastern Oregon, a hail and sleet storm along Puget Sound, 50 mph winds along the coast, frost bite cold in Whitefish, Montana, and sometimes, just sometimes, soft, spring days here in Seattle. I have learned to keep towels in my car and near the back door. And we know every place to get water in the heat from here to Sun Valley, from Tahoe to Portland.
I am not sure if the best part is the time together outside, water gushing off my GoreTex and Murphy's much better water resistant fur, or if it is after we are dry, she has eaten, and we both migrate to the Big Ranch Chair near the fire. Another day, another weather forecast.
Murphy's day.
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