Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Soccer Corruption

We read in the news that a number of FIFA officials had been arrested on corruption charges.

Annie Oakley is old school.  She has a beloved soccer ball, skin long gone, that she plays with.  No need for fancy hotels, private jets, or cash in her account.  She just wants to play soccer with you!

Murphy's Day.

Thursday, May 14, 2015


This weekend is the Leavenworth Bird Festival.

And we're going.

I mean after all, we do have the best birders in Chelan County!

Murphy's Day.

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Mother's Day

My mother loved my dogs.  She did not grow up with animals and came to being owned by dogs reluctantly.  But like anyone converted to a new religion, she embraced being owned by a dog with fervor.  A small, protective miniature Schnauzer named Kelly became her dog, not the family dog!

Of these three, she never got a chance to meet Willa.  I do remember her rushing over to my house the morning after Sage arrived from Maryland and insisting on holding Annie Oakley the morning after arriving from the same place.  One of my favorite pictures of her is Murphy, a rather large Yellow lab, laying on her lap during one of of last road trips to Sun Valley together.

Like everything else dogs do, they bring out the maternal in us.  They remind us of those things mother's do for us: unconditional love, devotion, sympathy, empathy, and unbounded joy in life.

Happy Mother's Day!

Monday, May 4, 2015

One More Month, Girls!

Last week we took a short walk to investigate our "spot."

One more month before we can cast flies...but it's truly amazing how low the water level is, already.  Small patches of snow left on the Cascades, but it will be a low flow summer.

Regardless, the girls found the water delightful on a warm spring day.

Murphy's Day.