Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Apre Hike

This has been a wonderful summer for hikes (and fishing).

Sage has truly been a trooper, making her way back into Spider Meadows, and up to Lake Valhalla.

That said, when we turn around and head back to the trailhead, she is like a horse heading to the barn.  The truck never looked so good!

Murphy's Day.

Monday, August 25, 2014

Swimming with Labs

In response to a neighbor's challenge, I swam with the girls this morning...

Murphy's Day.

Friday, August 22, 2014

Who Rescued Who?

One of my favorite bumper stickers is: Who Rescued Who?  And even thought none of the girls are technically rescue dogs, they certainly provide "rescuing" of a tired, stressed, anxious me...

Nothing better than throwing stick for the girls.

Murphy's Day.

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Wild Reverence

Labs have a reverence for being "wild."  That is, enjoying their "natural habitat" such as rivers, lakes, salt water, fields, forests....

Me too.

Murphy's Day.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

The Health of Living in the Country

Recently I've been thinking about the differences in the girls when they are here in the city versus when we're in eastern Washington.

In the city, they are generally confined to the house, the yard, and various parks that we go to regularly.  In Seattle, dogs are not allowed on beaches, hence unless I go outside the city limits, the girls don't swim in Puget Sound.  And they must be leashed when they are either in a park or walking the streets.

In eastern Washington, the girls can walk out the front door and through 10 acres of fields, Aspen, and Ponderosa pine.  They chase balls, deer, and lay in the sun.  Every day they get to climb into the car or truck and swim in one of the rivers or streams that we explore.  They hike off leash to some amazing lakes, and cork at night from all the exercise.

To keep them happy in the city I give them lots of chews, toys, and treats.  In eastern Washington they rarely need those sorts of things.

Now I'm thinking maybe I need to do the same evaluation of myself!

Murphy's Day.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014


Three years ago these two showed up at the Sea-Tac airport.  Murphy and Willa.  They live only a few blocks from each other, and last weekend, Willa got to show Murphy what it's like to be a country dog.

Murphy took to it like a lab to water!

Her first deer, all those quail, the river, sticks...life doesn't get much better.

Murphy's Day.

Monday, August 18, 2014

Weekend Guests

It has been a summer of visitors to Nahahum Canyon.  This past weekend, our friends, Sharon and Joe, came over.

And they brought Murphy.  Murphy is Willa's littermate.  So it was four labs in the house!  I was in lab heaven.

On Sunday morning, we introduced Murphy, an urban dog, to the wonders of living in Cashmere, a trip to the Wenatchee River.

She took to it like any great water dog, begging for more sticks to be thrown, out swimming even Annie Oakley to get to the sticks.

I have a feeling that Murphy will be back!

Murphy's Day.

Friday, August 15, 2014

Pools in the Summer

For a lab there is nothing better than a fresh water pool in the summer.  All three dogs did a long long hike last week, and as we descended back toward the truck, we found some nice pools in the creek.  As I took this picture, Annie Oakley was busy trying to dive for a stick embedded at the bottom of the pool.  Willa just wanted to wade and enjoy the cool water on her belly.  And Sage was showing them how to really enjoy the pool!

These girls are great dogs and every single day they show me something new, different, and funny.  What more can you ask from best friends?

Murphy's Day.

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Sage's Hill

There are many places at the property that Sage claims as her own.  The southern hill, above the house, is where she thought we ought to site the house...

She knows a good view when she sees it.

Murphy's Day.

Monday, August 11, 2014

Spider Meadows, Again

It's a long round trip hike, but well worth it.

We did Spider Meadows, again.

And came closer to all those things that make life worth living.

Murphy's Day!