Friday, March 29, 2013

Where Did March Go?

In like a lion, stayed like a lion, and now, we're at the end of the month.


Seems the older we get the faster time goes.

Murphy's Day.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Watching Out

Sometimes I wonder whether I do a good enough job watching out for my girls, my family, my friends.  I know I am a worrier, but sometimes someone goes unnoticed.

Not a good thing.  Never a good thing.

I need Annie to train me better.

Murphy's Day.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

So What Does Matter?

For me?  Family, friends, being outside, the girls (of course).  Time spent just enjoying the sun, or crisp morning air, or the feel of sweat as I slog (formerly known as jogging), or the friends Willa and I meet in the morning, or a beer with an old friend.  A warm August day on Icicle Creek, a cold day along the Wenatchee, the moon rise, a sun rise, the cry of a Red-tailed hawk, Willa planting her two big paws on my lap, tail wagging, wanting some love.  Annie Oakley proud of a stolen shoe.  Sage dancing to "Oh What a Beautiful Morning!"


These are my element charts.  The beginnings of my universe.  My Higgs Boson.

Murphy's Day.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Finding Peace

We've been doing a lot of thinking over the past several weeks about finding peace and contentment within ourselves.

It's one of the wonderful things about being owned by dogs, they can show you, if you're open to it, what matters and what doesn't matter.

Losing your way, losing that sense of what really matters, is hard.  It takes a long time to find the trail again.

Here is to my friend who has lost her way and hope that she can find her way back.

Murphy's Day.

Monday, March 25, 2013

Bad News Monday

It is never fair that Monday's start off with bad news.

This one will.

But the good news is that I get to come home from a really bad day and spend time with the girls.

That doesn't get any better.

Not to worry, the bad news isn't about me or the girls.

Murphy's Day.

Friday, March 22, 2013

Carol is Coming!

The girls love it when their friend from New York comes out.

Carol is coming!


Murphy's Day.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Our Hike

We didn't go out of town last weekend.

But the weekend before, we did.

And this was our hike!

Life is good.

Murphy's Day.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Reasons We Stay

I complain often and loudly about Seattle.

This is one of the reasons we stay (even though I could have gotten a HUGE fine for Sage being on the beach).

Puget Sound.

A walk on the beach.

Does it get any better?

Murphy's Day.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Change Makers

Ok, I know I usually am writing about dogs as change makers, but in this case, it's a woman (who is owned by a dog).

Harriet Bullitt

I won't go into her whole history, but she lives, now, mostly in Leavenworth (close to Nahahum Canyon) and has spent a considerable portion of her fortune bringing another life to an amazing part of the world.

This is her new concert hall.  Icicle Creek Center for the Performing Arts.

And on Saturday night we'll be there.

Change makers.

Murphy's Day.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Carpe Canine

I always loved Winnie-the-Pooh.

And this fits for dogs.

It's all about today.

Murphy's Day.

Friday, March 15, 2013

And Speaking of Puppy Pictures

This is Willa and her sister, Murphy.  On the day they came into our lives.  Murphy lives just a few blocks from us in Seattle, and to this day, these two wrestle just like human siblings.

Gotta' love it!

Murphy's Day.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Puppy Pictures

Don't we all hate having the puppy pictures taken out and passed around?  My parents were not big on taking pictures when I was a kid, so fortunately I don't have many experiences when my parents would take out my baby pictures and oooohhhh and aaaahhhh over them.

I wonder how kids are going to feel when they are teenagers and know that their baby pictures are spread all over the Internet.

But then, there is nothing cuter than pictures of kids.

Right, Willa????

Murphy's Day.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Feeling Better

Had a few anxious days with Annie, but she seems to be feeling better.  Although there is a visit to the vet in her near near future.

Her right rear leg seems a little sore.  While her hot spot is clearing up, after much experimentation with food, treats, and the like, I do wonder if my analysis is right or there is something else.

Annie is a kind, gentle dog and visits to the vet (it's too bad we don't live in Thermopolis, I bet she would love the vet and I could kibbitz about fishing, sports, and politics) are a traumatic thing for her.

At least she is feeling better.  Key sign?

Back to stealing socks.

Murphy's Day.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Haunted by Dogs

Over the weekend, good friends Ann and Scott sent me a gorgeous picture of their one year old Golden, Riley, snowshoeing with them at Mt. Baker.  Riley came into their lives a few months after their wonderful Maisey died.  Riley is a character, laying down in every mud puddle he can find. And he has been a God send to them, as Ann has struggled with cancer, Scott with knee replacement surgery, and the joy of their first grandchild.

Just as Norman Maclean wrote about being haunted by rivers (the Blackfoot in particular), I am haunted by dogs.  Dogs in my past, friend's dogs, and of course, the trio of nut cases that now dominate my life.

I can not imagine my life with out a dog.  Willa and Annie get me up in the morning, Sage dances to "Oh What A Beautiful Morning," and the three of them make me laugh, remind me sequestration is not important but dinner time is, and that nap time is important.

I am forever grateful for every dog in my life.

To really misquote Norman: Eventually everything merges into one and a dog is the center of it all....

Murphy's Day.

Monday, March 11, 2013

What is That Yellow Thing?

Finally, one day of sunshine.  We were over in eastern Washington (or North Central Washington to be exact) and there was...well I guess it was sun!

The girls, all of us, went nuts!

Murphy's Day.

Friday, March 8, 2013

Savvy Annie

Recently, Annie has had an allergic reaction to something.  Scratching a spot on her muzzle.  Food change, adding fish oil, all the remedies....

But Annie is savvy.  She knows when I am about to poke, prod, and stuff a pill down her mouth.  She warily watches me as I am in the kitchen preparing to "treat her."  And just when I get close, she makes her move.

Smart dogs are great, but sometimes...

Murphy's Day.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Looking for Friends

Willa has taken to wanting to run/slog with me in the morning.  Since my last knee "tweak," I walk down the hill and then we run up and do another mile or so...

Willa has figured out that throughout the 4 miles she can meet friends and even relatives.  Her littermate and sister, Murphy, lives a few blocks from us, and we almost always run into them the minute we leave the front door (Sharon is a high school counselor and I think the hour between 5-6 AM is the only peace she has during her hectic weekdays!).  From greeting Murphy, Willa ambles down the hill, bumping into Beverly and Mark who always have a treat, Lance and Laurie, Tad, Pam, and the girls, sometimes Nani who pulls out a whole bag of treats, and hopefully soon, Mariam.

By the time we get home, whatever calories Willa has burned are added back on!

She loves it, and I enjoy the company.

Murphy's Day.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Knowing Where to Run

As many of you know, I run.  Ok, I slog.  It's been part of my morning ritual since 1978 (and my knees have all the wear and tear of balled tires to prove it!).

I thoroughly enjoy running with the girls, although I've had many dogs who get out the front door, and a block later have a sit down protest.  I am also careful not to run with any dog too often on the pavement. I'm better to the dog's knees than I am my own...

That said, there is nothing better than my weekend runs.  I always try to find someplace to run on a trail (my knees are grateful) and where I can let the girls run amok.  Dog's natural habitat is running off leash, nose totally planted in scent.

Finding those places close or in the city is very very difficult.  While many city's think it is hip to advertise that they are "dog friendly" I think what they mean is do they have chi-chi pet stores with high end doggie sweaters and fancy collars.  My girls have nothing chi-chi (soiled and stained years old Orvis collars and mud-caked towels to wipe their extraordinarily muddy paws are the best I can do).

Our solution is either we skulk around, illegally, in city parks, trying to get a run, or we head for the hills.

It's one of the reasons we're in eastern Washington so often.  They don't have very many chi-chi pet stores and they understand dogs need to run.

Murphy's Day.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013


There is a wonderful simplicity about being a dog.  If I am mad or upset at one of them, they look at me, shrug, and essentially say "it's your problem, you'll get over it."

All the angst and dark clouds in the political world these days doesn't even phase the girls.  They live for their ball throw, their walks, runs, and of course (and most importantly) food and treats.

There is no doubt in my mind that dogs sense stress in the human they love.  Mine certainly do.  But they also know, I think, how to prioritize.  If it's something they can't do anything about?  They let the "river flow" and figure sooner or later it will get better.

I think we have a lot to learn from dogs.  It's been said before by better authors...but really, we can only enjoy each moment if we are "in" that moment.  My girls approach each day as if they have been shot out of a cannon.  It's life, pulsing, every moment, unless they are totally asleep and even then, they seem content and happy.

The rest of the world?  Well, I guess someone else will take care of that.

Something to be said for being clueless!

Murphy's Day.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Moving Down the Road

We stayed in Seattle.  And on Saturday night we got together with friends.  All people we know in our neighborhood because of dogs.

The Tribe of Dog People.

Our friends Scott and Paula have moved.  To a place we actually dream about moving to...and Saturday was their last "day" in Seattle.

Food, drinks, a fire, and three rescued dogs basking in the attention from the Tribe of Dog People.

And while we will miss Scott and Paula terribly, we know we will see them and that they will, soon, be regaling us with stories of a new pup in their lives as they enjoy the wonders of Bend.

Not to worry, we're right behind you!

Murphy's Day.

Friday, March 1, 2013

Happy Birthday Mark!

Only a few years ago, and mean fairly recently, this woman gave birth to my brother on March 3rd.

Happy Birthday Mark!