Monday, December 23, 2013

Twelve Days of Christmas -- by Sage

We're going to take some time off (back in 2014).  So Sage wrote a little Christmas sounds vaguely familiar, but I told her I would publish it (by the way, it's Sage's birthday on the 28th!  She'll be 10!).

On the first day of Christmas
my three labs gave to me
a soggy tennis ball on my bed.

On the second day of Christmas
my three labs gave to me
2 broken toys
and a soggy tennis ball on my bed.

On the third day of Christmas
my three labs gave to me
3 throw-ups in the night
2 broken toys
and a soggy tennis ball on my bed

On the fourth day of Christmas
my three labs gave to me
4 AM wake-up kisses
3 throw-ups in the night
2 broken toys
and a soggy tennis ball on my bed

On the fifth day of Christmas
my three labs gave to me
5 Golden retriever friends
4 AM wake-up kisses
3 throw-ups in the night
2 broken toys
and a soggy tennis ball on my bed

On the sixth day of Christmas
my three labs gave to me
6 cats they chased
5 Golden retriever friends
4 AM wake-up kisses
3 throw-ups in the night
2 broken toys
and a soggy tennis ball on my bed

On the seventh day of Christmas
my three labs gave to me
7 sticks to swim after
6 cats they chased
5 Golden retriever friends
4 AM wake-up kisses
3 throw-ups in the night
2 broken toys
and a soggy tennis ball on my bed

On the eighth day of Christmas
my three labs gave to me
8 barks at the mailman
7 sticks to swim after
6 cats they chased
5 Golden retriever friends
4 AM wake-up kisses
3 throw-ups in the night
2 broken toys
and a soggy tennis ball on my bed

On the ninth day of Christmas
my three labs gave to me
9 requests for belly rubs
8 barks at the mailman
7 sticks to swim after
6 cats they chased
5 Golden retriever friends
4 AM wake-up kisses
3 throw-ups in the night
2 broken toys
and a soggy tennis ball on my bed

On the tenth day of Christmas
my three labs gave to me
10 mad dog chases in the living room
9 requests for belly rubs
8 barks at the mailman
7 sticks to swim after
6 cats they chased
5 Golden retriever friends
4 AM wake-up kisses
3 throw-ups in the night
2 broken toys
and a soggy tennis ball on my bed

On the eleventh day of Christmas
my three labs gave to me
11 begs for scraps from the table
10 mad dog chases in the living room
9 requests for belly rubs
8 barks at the mailman
7 sticks to swim after
6 cats they chased
5 Golden retriever friends
4 AM wake-up kisses
3 throw-ups in the night
2 broken toys
and a soggy tennis ball on my bed

On the twelfth day of Christmas
my three labs gave to me
12 wonderful days of love
11 begs for scraps from the table
10 mad dog chases in the living room
9 requests for belly rubs
8 barks at the mailman
7 sticks to swim after
6 cats they chased
5 Golden retriever friends
4 AM wake-up kisses
3 throw-ups in the night
2 broken toys
and a soggy tennis ball on my bed.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!  We'll see you in 2014!

Friday, December 20, 2013

The Nose Knows

Sage is all nose.  She is driven by her nose.  Fortunately, she isn't a hound, so she is not getting lost following her nose, but I've watched her amble pretty far while on a scent.

I don't remember Murphy being like this as she aged.  But I have made a note to myself...keep an eye on the Nose.

Murphy's Day.

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Happy Birthday Dad!

Happy Birthday to my crazy, fun, intense, crazy...Dad.

I miss you.

Murphy's Day.

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Stating the Obvious

The girls thought the first snows at Nahahum Canyon were their Christmas presents.

Labs love snow.

And Willa?  She thinks it was made just for her.

Who can blame her?

Murphy's Day.

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Bundled Up

It was cold last week.  I worried about Sage until I finally wrapped her in a fleece blanket for the night.  She tolerated my concern...but when I came downstairs in the morning, she had slipped out of the blanket and had made it into a "nest."

Labs are tough dogs.  No need for a blanket for this girl.

Murphy's Day.

Monday, December 16, 2013

Friday, December 13, 2013

Advent Calendar

I have this gorgeous Advent Calendar that I bought years ago from LL Bean.  It looks like a log lodge, with 25 the beginning of December we're all assigned days.

Annie is waiting patiently for her day.

Murphy's Day.

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Top Dog - Apprentice

If Donald Trump had a show about apprentice top dogs...Willa would win hands down.  She follows Sage, the top dog, around, mimicking every single thing she does.  Poor Annie...waiting her turn patiently to be top dog...

Murphy's Day.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013


A day doesn't go by when I don't find myself amazed at this girl.  She is intense, kind, funny,'s really too bad I don't duck hunt, she would be perfect at it (assuming, of course, that I could actually hit something with a shotgun that remotely resembled a duck).

The great thing about Willa is she greets every single day as if it was her first on Earth, and goes throughout the day full on.

I'm still learning from her.

Murphy's Day.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013


It's been cold here in the Northwest, or actually all across the country.  Last weekend we loaded up on firewood (and built a woodshed), winterized the hydrants, and this past weekend was the traditional putting the plow on the Gator.

Bring it on winter!

Murphy's Day.

Monday, December 9, 2013

To The Woodshed

So over the Thanksgiving weekend, we decided to organize our wood...the girls were quire helpful until I realized for every log I put in the new woodshed, they took out two...hmmm.

Murphy's Day.

Friday, December 6, 2013


And this is what breaths down my neck if I haven't pushed back my chair and loaded the girls in the car...

Walks.  The most important part of the day.  Nope, can't let a smash and grab deter us.

Murphy's Day.

Thursday, December 5, 2013

The Other Side of Evening Walks

This is one of the reasons I need those walks!

I get to see Annie Oakley in all her post-ball chase finery!

Murphy's Day.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Evening Walks

As some of you may know, my car was broken into while walking the dogs.  It's enough that I walk them at dusk and feel slightly vulnerable, but the car break-in (they didn't get much, a bag of change and some chap stick but they did break a window which is costly) really sealed the deal on how vulnerable I feel out there.

I know the dogs would and in fact do, alert me if there is someone "out there."  And there is no doubt in my mind that they would actually try to protect me in some "lab like way."

I do walk with my cell phone.

And I am not willing to give up on taking those walks.  The girls certainly need them, and I probably need them more.  I get a chance to see sunsets like these.

But to the jerks who broke my window...

Murphy's Day.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

You Want Me to Diet?

It's always a struggle for me during the Holidays.  I allow myself to eat all those things I try to stay away from during the rest of the year.  Primarily butter.  Lots of butter.

Sage and I will begin thinking about our New Year's resolutions in a few weeks.  But for now, we're banishing the idea of diet!

Murphy's Day.

Monday, December 2, 2013

Do We Have to Go Back?

Wonderful long weekend.  And the girls are reluctant to go back to Seattle..

Murphy's Day.

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Taking a Break

Once we're stuffed we will need a break!

We're thankful to all of you.  Your friendship, wisdom, and enjoyment of all things labradors.

We'll be back next week.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Murphy's Day.

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Waiting for Carol

Sage's good friend Carol is coming out for Thanksgiving...doesn't get any better for her...

Murphy's Day.

Monday, November 25, 2013


Holidays are always special.  Even though it's been 4 years since we lost my mother, I can feel her spirit, rallying around Thanksgiving (she died on November 22, just before Thanksgiving that year).  She loved holidays, and especially time with family.

Annie Oakley is the same.  She's been waiting for the smell of turkey for quite awhile.

Murphy's Day.

Friday, November 22, 2013

When You Know Your Dogs Are Smart

Is when they don't see the romance in standing in a river, when it's freezing cold, casting for the elusive steelhead.

They are sleeping in a warm house.

Smart labs.

Murphy's Day.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Don't Fall!

Willa finds reasons to play with Annie at every opportunity.

Murphy's Day.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

How Much Farther?

Ok, well, maybe we had a few rest stops along the way!

Sage just loves those moments of rolling in native grasses.

Murphy's Day.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

The Backyard

This is from the USFS land behind Nahahum Canyon.

AKA, the girl's backyard.

Murphy's Day.

Monday, November 18, 2013

Long Hikes

Winter is coming and it's time to get some hikes in before the snow settles on Burch Mountain.

We took a nice, long hike up.  Sage loved it, lots of smells.  Deer, coyote, perhaps an elk or cougar (no, not one that wears crimson and silver...).

Annie did well, enjoying the time with family, although the guys who were shooting at some target down the canyon bothered her.

Love this time of year.  These seams between seasons.

Murphy's Day.

Friday, November 15, 2013

Thursday, November 14, 2013


I love birding (after all, I once worked for National Audubon).

Fortunately, I am owned by "bird dogs."

More expensive than binoculars, I have to say, but binoculars don't make me laugh and giggle every day, either!

Murphy's Day.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013


Sage loves to amble.

She has reached a point in her life where there is pure pleasure in a nice walk, sniffing the world around her.

Murphy's Day.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Does It Get Any Better?

As we head into the stormy, rainy, yucky months of the Pacific Northwest, I reach deeper into my "bag of tricks" on how to give the girls the exercise they need.

Recently I have returned to walking them, at dusk, through a park that I walked Sage as a pup (as she trundled behind Murphy) and where Annie followed Sage...I remember those evenings, after I'd made dinner for my father, and visited my mother in the hospital.  Rainy, dark, sad evenings.  Those long walks gave me time to think, talk with the doctors, go over everything with my brother.  Annie, I am sure, felt all the stress.  Sage, who knows this park like the "inside of her paw," led the way, willing to take over mothering Annie.

This is a place near where I grew up.  It's been part of my whole life.  Once a military fort, now a park.

So we're back walking there.  Sage prances down the paths, enjoying the familiarity.  Willa and Annie find the wide open grassy fields perfect to play "catch me if you can" with each other.  I watch for owls, listen to the wind, and allow all those memories to come forward.

Murphy's Day.

Monday, November 11, 2013

Avalanche Dogs

Such a great thing these dogs and all the other ones, do.

As I look at this picture and think about my girls, Willa would be fantastic doing this.  She is intense, loving, and willing to try anything.

Thank you dogs and trainers who provide such a valuable service.

And look for Willa and maybe even her sister, Murphy, doing this!

Murphy's Day.

Friday, November 8, 2013

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Standard Time

While I love having had an extra hour to lolly-gag in bed (which, by the way, Willa did not understand), changing the "clocks" always messes me up.

Somehow the girls are much more connected with the arc of the sun.  The now know when it's time to walk, ball throw, and most importantly, time to eat.

Internal clocks are always better than even expensive Rolex's!

Murphy's Day.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Emmylou Harris and Rodney Dowell


Sometimes listening to really good music, live, is even better than rolling in fresh spring grass.

Murphy's Day.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Election Day

Indeed, here in Seattle, voting is often like going down a creek...but without a paddle or two great labs to's an experience in parsing the fine line between really incompetent or merely incompetent...

That said, it's election day.  There are still millions if not billions of people who do not have the right or opportunity to vote.


Murphy's Day.

Monday, November 4, 2013

In the Storm

Saturday in Seattle was quite stormy.  Lights flickering.  Wind pounding the south wall of the house.  A traffic sign in front of the house ripped out and fell down.  Leaves swirling every where...

And the girls?

Well, Willa and I decided to embrace the storm and run in the woods.  Sage and Annie slept in, hoping it would all pass.

And it did.

Murphy's Day.

Friday, November 1, 2013


We're staying in Seattle this weekend.

The girls are pouting.

So am I.

Murphy's Day.

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Trick or Treat!

Halloween presents its own set of challenges for dogs.  First there are all these children at the door, in costume.  Dogs see shapes and many of these shapes are scary to them.

Second, kids tend to leave chocolate all over the street after their treat or treating.  So walking the dogs after several waves of children at the door is a challenge.  It's like navigating a slalom course, weaving between the Reese's Peanut Butter Cups and the Snicker's Bars.

Third, in return for the dogs being scared of the children, the kids are scared of the dogs.  Big noses, barking, tails wagging.

I always have dog bones for the dogs who accompany the parents and children....unless my own goblins get to them first!

Happy Halloween!

Murphy's Day.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Resting Up

Of course, I always worry when one of my dogs has to have surgery.

But I don't know why I am still surprised at how resilient this breed is after suffering.  Willa popped back up and has been terrorizing her sisters since the morning after her surgery.

That said, she is still on moist food.  And the worst part is no dog chewies.  Boy, do I get the hairy eyeball on that one.

Murphy's Day.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Lab Country

This was the view as we came down the trail from a hike last weekend.

Lab country.

Absolutely gorgeous.

Murphy's Day.

Monday, October 28, 2013

Tooth Fairy

I am not kidding you, the vet sent Willa home with her tooth that was extracted.

So, Willa put it under her pillow and when she woke, here was a blue shark stuffed toy.

Even in her post-op stupor, her eyes got wide.

Of course, the poor shark has already had it's squeakeptomy...but there still remains enough stuffing for a pillow.

Murphy's Day.

Friday, October 25, 2013

The Best Place to Heal

If you're a lab, staying quiet isn't an option.

The best place to heal: Nahahum Canyon.

On our way!

Murphy's Day.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Somethings Don't Change

One thing about labs, surgery or pain doesn't seem to slow them down.  For the most part, labs are resilient, tough animals.

Willa is no exception.

Murphy's Day.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Willa is Home

She is home.  And snuggling.  And hopefully will feel better.

And she gets all the soft food she wants.

Murphy's Day.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Signs of Fall While We Wait for Willa

I hate it when one of the girls is in surgery.

That tapping noise are my toes, waiting to hear when I can pick up Willa.


Murphy's Day.

Monday, October 21, 2013

Willa and the Vet

So, a few weeks ago, Willa came downstairs with a rather large "knot" on the right side of her face.  After a day or so, it went down, so I thought: "bee sting."  But it never went completely away, so last week Willa went to visit the vet.

And tomorrow, poor Willa has surgery to have a chipped tooth removed.

Soft food and lots of love for a few days thereafter.

The worst part for her will be no ball throw for awhile.

The worst part for Sage, Annie and me will be waiting to get Willa home.

Murphy's Day.

Friday, October 18, 2013

About Those Two Peas

Ok, well, sometimes it just doesn't work out the way you want it to...or so says Annie Oakley.

Murphy's Day.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

So Two Women and Three Dogs Went for An Autumn Hike

And encountered a lot of snow.  A lot of snow.

All of us were stiff (well, except Willa, who hike 16 miles to our 8! and proving her upland game cred, flushed out three grouse) for several days after the hike.  Much less, here are two very very experienced outdoor women and do you think we wore the right shoes?  Or turned back when we realized our feet were frozen?

But the dogs had a blast.  It's the thing about labs.  They are four season all weather dogs.  Don't even need to change their paws!

Murphy's Day.

Monday, October 14, 2013

Two Peas in a Pod

They have been together now, for two years.

While they have some issues, like any relationship, they are truly two peas in a pod, or two labs in heaven.

Lots of antics.  Lots of running amok.  Lots of silliness.  And sometimes, moments like this.

This is why I simply love this breed.  Clear eyes, full hearts, never want to lose.

Murphy's Day.

Friday, October 11, 2013


Because of the heavy rains we had in Seattle, my back yard looks like a muddy duck pond.  So I've resorted to walking the dogs more and throwing ball less.

You can only imagine when we get to eastern Washington how grateful all of us feel.


Leashless is the order of the day.

Murphy's Day.