Monday, April 30, 2012

The Chewie Crisis

Since Murphy, my girls love their chewies.  And while their preferences have changed slightly over time, they remain fairly consistent.  I used to go to a feed and grain store in Greenwich, Connecticut (probably in business because of all the horses owned by the hedge fund folks!) and buy pig's ears by the case for Murphy.  And the only reason I am a Costco member is because just about the only thing they sell that is "made in America" are, yes, pig's ears.

Sage and Annie got addicted to beef tendons a few years ago, and I started buying those  by the case, leaving Willa to enjoy pig's ears.  But for reasons I still don't know, all of a sudden the distributor of beef tendons stopped selling them.  So we switched to beef ligaments, and then poof, those are now gone or the price is way up.  So imagine my bewilderment when yesterday I ventured to Costco and no pig's ears, so then I went to a local pet store and only a few individual pig's ears.  Good grief.

I think there is so much money made off of our love of pets, that the pet industry really has become adept at figuring out how to get us off of inexpensive things and into more costly items....I dunno, maybe I am just into conspiracy theories these days.

Off to find chewies!  There will be a riot in this house if they don't have chews for their after dinner treat!

Murphy's Day.

Friday, April 27, 2012

One More of Sage

Last weekend, Sage let me take a number of shots of her...and I wanted to share one more.  Isn't she gorgeous?  Sage in the Balsam....

Murphy's Day.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Guard Duty

Willa is quite the guard dog.  For several weeks, when we were in eastern Washington, she would bark at every noise in the middle of the night (note to oppressive regimes, a dog barking when you're trying to sleep is torture).  I finally figured out to cover the windows, like a bird cage, she now sleeps.  It wasn't sound, it was sight that she was reacting to.

But she is a guard dog.  And for a lab, she has the strangest bark.  More like a bay, like a bloodhound.  You know she is on alert...

I'm frankly glad she is means she has bonded, no taken over, the pack!

Murphy's Day.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Finally, Spring!

As I said, it was a gorgeous weekend in eastern Washington.  The girls had a blast and on Sunday night, back in Seattle, there was little movement.  All corked.  Annie was so tired by mid-day Sunday she actually stood by the car door.  Usually it is a "trick" to get her in the car to leave!  Willa gives Annie a run for her money, that is for sure.  Which is good.  We're all staying young with this pup.  And that is a very good thing.

More and more Annie reminds me of Murphy.  Her tennis ball obsession, her sweet love, her desire for all things pig's ears...but she is certainly her own dog.  Quirky, intense, sensitive...nature?  Nurture?  Who knows?

Murphy's Day.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Wisdom with Age

Sage is not named after the spice nor being wise.  She is named after a fly rod manufacturing company on Bainbridge Island, Washington.  In fact, when she was young, one of her best friends was named Winston, also after a fly rod manufacturing company....

But, Sage has become wise.  She is the leader of this crazy crazy pack.  She knows when to make a ruckus, when to fold her cards, when to beg for food, when to cuddle.  And this past weekend, she knew when to lay in the sun (yes, I said sun) and just absorb the heat into her bones.

She is such a gorgeous dog, with such a large and fierce heart.  And, she loves to go fly fishing with me.  Doesn't get any better.


Murphy's Day.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Do We Really Have to Go?

Well, I figured out how to "calm" Willa down at night in Nahahum Canyon.  She would hear all sorts of sound then sit and look out the window, finally barking, thinking some coyote was coming to get her.  So, a sheet over the window (kinda' like a cover over the bird cage) and she finally slept through the night.  The result was an energetic lab, ready to play.  In front of her were her "first deer," which startled and excited her.  Then she found her bone.  And of course, the never ending desire for Mom to get "chuck-it" and launch balls into the Aspen stand.

When it came time to leave she was reluctant.  It's lab heaven in eastern Washington.  However, the ticks are a little problematic for me....

Murphy's Day.

Friday, April 20, 2012

The Great Ones

This blog was started as a way for me to think, process, share the waning days with my beloved Yellow lab, Murphy.  She was a great dog, giving me and every one else who loved her, everything she had.  Each day created a new Murphy story, from her antics with the tennis ball, her vocal command of several octaves, her belief that she had a place at the table, and her gentle kindness....

When a pup comes into my life, I hold them up to my face and tell them "I will take care of you for the rest of your life."  But really, they are telling me that in spades.  Murphy took very good care of me.  Without her I am not sure I would have survived some pretty rugged times in my life.

Yet, even though the days seem long and wonderful when the pup joins, there is that inevitable sense that someday they will die.  And, that part of the journey is far too hard to describe.  There is a sense that dusk is near and those familiar sounds, smells, and feel of our old friend's fur will not be around tomorrow...

My heart carries Murphy with me every day.  She is alive in this house with stories, with signs from the girls that they have parts of her inside of them.  Each of the girls is unique but they also carry Murph.

And so, my dear friends Ann and Les are now dealing with their Kol.  He is a gorgeous boy, who lives a a great life in the Oregon Coast Range.  When I met him I decided to get Willa, just the thought of a Black lab ambling after Sage and Annie brought a smile.  This is a hard time for my friends.  We have them in our hearts.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Western Bluebirds

Signs of spring?  Western Bluebirds sitting on top of a bluebird box.

Does it get any better?

Yes!  Hearing Meadowlarks!

Murphy's Day.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Cave Dog Willa

Leave it to a lab pup to find something "odd."  So on a Sunday mid-morning walk, Willa found this bone...she looked like a "caveman" walking around with it in her mouth.  And of course, she loved taunting Annie with this really cool find.

And typical of a Willa, age 8 months, her ADD kicked in and she forgot about the bone within minutes.

Murphy's Day.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Riding the Range

Annie Oakley (the "real" Annie Oakley) once said something to the effect that there is nothing better than riding in an open field with a really good gun and a couple of dogs.  Annie can't carry a gun, but she sure loves to romp in an open field with her sisters.

And me?  I love being with them.

Murphy's Day.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

What Possessed You?

This is the question Sage keeps asking: "Mom, what possessed you?"  When I told my friend Meredith I was getting a third dog she asked: "do you need to see a therapist?" (she is not a dog person).

But after a weekend away, where the girls could romp to their heart's content, Sage seems content and settled with the idea of both Annie and Willa.

Me?  I'm wondering about the therapist.

Murphy's Day.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Willa Contemplating Age

And here is the young pup, contemplating the Ancient Lakes....young meets old.

Murphy's Day.

Thursday, April 12, 2012


Sometimes, a picture is worth a thousand words.  Here is Sage, gorgeous Sage, among the sage.

Murphy's Day.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Taking a Dip With Sage

Annie needs something thrown into a lake before she'll leap in.  Sage, well, she likes to "take a dip."  She really isn't all that interested in swimming after balls or sticks.  She just wants to take a dip, cool off, then go about her business, whether it is completing the hike or just finding a patch of sun.  Sage and I are way too much alike.

Murphy's Day.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Ancient Land

Last Saturday, we did a marvelous hike to the Ancient Lakes in eastern Washington.  It's in a state wildlife area, that is, well, ancient.  Formed by volcanoes, and then shaped by water, the area is hauntingly beautiful.  You can hike down into the lakes, which there are many, and feel as if you are in another world.  And you are.

The girls did well on what was a rather strenuous hike.  In a few months there probably won't be this water, but for now, we enjoyed the hike, stayed hydrated, and fortunately, it was "too early" for rattlesnakes....did I mention I hate snakes?

Murphy's Day.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Tuckered Out

I think this is the definition of "tuckered out."  Long weekend on the east side.  Lots of hikes, swimming, ball throws, and Willa's speciality, "standing guard" in the middle of the night.

Woof woof woof.  Did you hear that?

Woof woof woof.  Did you hear that?

By the third night not even Annie was reacting to Willa's guard duty.  Needless to say we're all tuckered out.

Murphy's Day.

Friday, April 6, 2012

Off to Play

My niece and her family just returned from a week in Hawaii....the warmth sounds so inviting...but we're off for a weekend in the cold, early spring of eastern Washington.  I keep telling myself the sun will come out, someday....someday....

Murphy's Day.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Happy Birthday Deb!

The Girls can not wait to play with you on your birthday!

Murphy's Day.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Small Signs of Spring

In Seattle, the daffodils are blooming.  In eastern Washington, there are small signs.  You really have to look for them.  But here, buds from the glorious Balsam.  Soon the canyon will be resplendent with yellow flowers, then the purple from the Lupine....spring is slowly making its way here in the Northwest.

Murphy's Day.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Go Fetch!

Despite an acute case of "attention deficit disorder," Annie is becoming a rather great retriever.  She does a dance when she sees the Chuck-It come out (saving my rotator cuff) and will chase the ball until I finally force her to stop.

All of this reminds me of Murphy.  Who once chased the ball in a lake until her tail was strained from swimming...

Labs and retrieving.  A fairly good addiction!

Murphy's Day.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Lab Alarm Clocks

I try to sleep in on the weekends.  Yep, all the way to 6:30 AM.  But I am surrounded by lab alarm clocks.  Annie, for the most part, lets me sleep, although close to 6:30 I'll begin to get nudges, then licks, then the tail fanning my face.

But Willa, still a pup, she wants to get going earlier.  This past Saturday she actually sat on me, tail wagging, licking my face.

There is no snooze button with Willa.

Murphy's Day.