Friday, March 30, 2012

Willa is Eight Months

And she has been part of this pack for 6 months.  Half a year!  It's amazing.  She has totally taken over this family.

Murphy's Day.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Skittish Annie

It's hard to think of Annie as skittish, but she is.  The usual lab things: gun shots, arguments....but then there are things I never know.  And when Annie gets into the car long before we're ready to head home, I know there is something she has heard that I haven't....I just want to hug her.

Murphy's Day.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Patches of Snow

For a lab, there is nothing better than the last bits of snow.  Nothing.

Murphy's Day.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Willa in the Sun

A nice weekend.  Went to a fly fishing seminar (yeah!) on the Yakima.  And then over to eastern Washington for some R & R.  Willa seemed to really enjoy the sun (for the few minutes we got some).  Plus there were lots of downed woody debris (forester language for sticks on the ground).

I am really looking forward to Spring (can you tell?), and the opening day of fishing.  I can not wait to see how Willa loves both the warmth and getting into water!

Last week I ran into a woman who I know who was owned by a Welsh Corgi.  The Corgi, quite old, died.  And she wondered whether she should get a new one.  She worried she would always compare her dog to a new one.  But I told her that each dog has a unique personality.  Unique.  And that is certainly true of Willa, who reminds me of every dog I have ever had and of her own personality....Willa is in the sun!

Murphy's Day.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Getting Used to Spring

Think about it.  When it begins, finally, to get warm, wearing a fur coat is tough.  I always said I couldn't get a black dog because I go to too many warm places...I worried about the heat absorption.  This past weekend, when the sun finally peeked out, I marveled at Sage, who found shade wherever she could, allowing herself to art cool.

But spring is hopefully coming and I am sure Sage will soon enjoy laying out in the warmth.  It will help her (and my) arthritis!

Murphy's Day!

Friday, March 23, 2012

Is It Spring, Yet?

All Willa has been hearing about for the past few weeks is Spring.  Other than ticks, the whole idea of romping about in the warmth sounds pretty darn good.

Murphy's Day.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

How Our Lives Have Changed

Annie, reckless, silly, athletic has to contend with Willa.  And for the most part, they do almost too well together.  They wrestle, chase, poke, hunt, and romp with each other.  It's amazing to me that the house is still standing.  But there are times when Annie just wants attention from me.  For all of her independence and hunting instincts in her, she actually is much more of a lap dog than Sage.  Annie is a less coordinated Murphy.  She wants to be with her humans.

But Willa has come into the house and taken it over.  If she hears me spending time with Annie, she'll insert herself.  It's important to be attentive to "the middle child."  So I do things with Annie, just Annie, and spend time making sure she knows that even though there is this pup, she is still Annie Oakley, my best friend.

Murphy's Day.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Wade Fishing with Dogs

Periodically, the Washington State Fly Fishing Forum discusses the "etiquette" of fishing with your dogs. And you get some guy on there who says something to the effect that if someone's dog even gets near him in a river, he's going to take out his handgun (who knew, but there are a ton of guys who take hand guns with them when they fly fish) and shoot the dogs.  Needless to say, those kinds of posters always get smacked down by the dozens of us who love to take our dogs with us.

Fortunately for me, I tend to avoid the heavily fished and popular areas.  Thank goodness for small, out of the way, streams.  But really, how can you object to a nice day on a river with your best friends?

Murphy's Day.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

In the Library

You know that sound, when you enter a library and realize how quiet it is.  Sage is becoming a librarian, very quiet.  She seems to be aging faster than Murphy did.  Sage is only 8, which, of course, seems young to me.  I wonder whether her ACL surgery prematurely aged her, or if she is suffering from arthritis in her "good knee" and prefers being quiet.  She always seems eager to go, but she spends much of the day being quiet,  and when she is asked to join an activity, she is anxious about coming down stairs (unavoidable in this house) and then just wants to sniff and explore in the yard.

After Murphy died I realized Sage and I could have entered a quiet old age together.  Annie, always athletic, changed that and forced Sage to get a little bit more active.  And Annie continues to encourage Sage to participate.  Even Willa tries to get Sage to join in a chase or "catch me if you can."  But really, Sage just wants to be quiet.

As I type this she is on her bed next to my desk.  I can hear her breathing, in a deep sleep.  Annie and Willa are upstairs, I can hear the loud thumping of active play.  I am enjoying the simplicity of being in the library with Sage.

Murphy's Day.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Will Seattle Ever Dry Out?

It's been a wet, wet,  past several weeks.  From high velocity rains, snow, hail, to constant mist, it's been wet.  And cold.  Despite the blooming crocus and daffodils, the temperatures haven't gotten much above 45°.  Yes, I am complaining.  The dogs actually have noticed.  Their backyard is a swamp, a wetland, and the kitchen floor seems to have a new "print" of muddy paws!  The few moments sun has come out, they find spots to lay in it and relish the heat.

In fact, Annie is beginning to ask why we're not in Peoria, Arizona watching spring training....good question.

Murphy's Day.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Weekend Breakfasts

We love weekends.  The days are long enough for a breakfast other than an English muffin on the run with a banana (which, by the way, I share with Willa).  There is something oh-so relaxing about weekend breakfasts...and the girls know it's Saturday when they begin to look for their bacon.

Thank goodness it's Friday.

Murphy's Day.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Still Running

More than 30 years after I started, I am still running.  It's not good for my knees, but I can't stop.  And now, I have Annie and Willa to sometimes, not often, run with me.  Their favorite run is along the Wenatchee River, where they romp like mad dogs while I try to keep pace.  It's a wonderful spot and they have a blast.  Well worth destroying my knees!

There are some sacrifices a mother must make!

Murphy's Day.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Spring Dreaming

March has come in like a lab and continues to be wild and full of spunk.  But that hasn't stopped us from dreaming of better weather (ok, I shouldn't be so judgmental, wind, rain, hail, sleet is "a good thing," also).  But we want some sunshine and warmth.  Our friend Scott hit the Yakima last week, fish were rising to Skwalas....I am ready to get on some water and find fish.  To sit in the sun and let my body absurd the heat, to watch the girls romp through the fields (and, yikes, collect ticks!).

Balsam, lupine, Indian paintbrush....

March is still in like a lab.  We have a ways to go.  But we can dream, can't we?

Murphy's Day.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Little Red Wagon Back

Well, the little red wagon is back.  I don't know who was more happy, the girls or me.  Of course, the dealer detailed the car and within seconds of the girls getting in, it was, well, doggie.

The Little Red Lab Taxi.

Murphy's Day.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Not Happy

Not happy.  Not happy at all.  The University of Washington Dawgs are not in the NCAA tournament.  Not happy here.  Poor Willa is learning a few cuss words.

So I have to go looking for a team to cheer for....Cal Bears???  Gonzaga?????

Not happy.  Not happy at all.

Murphy's Day.

Friday, March 9, 2012

Older Labs

The startling thing about labs is how fast you notice they have aged.  One day they are leaping and chasing anything moving, the next, they find joy in sitting in the sun, sniffing.  Sage is clearly getting older.  While she still wants to be part of the action, she moves quickly away when it gets rowdy...and this past weekend she was content in the sun, just enjoying the show in front of her.

She is 8,  We have many more years.  But it's clear we need to be careful with her....find sun (that sounds good), lots of rest (even better) and make sure there are treats involved.

It's a lab's life!

Murphy's Day.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

The Lab Taxi

So, last week I took my diesel Jetta Stationwagen in for it's warranty service.  Call came.  The dealer smashed my car.

Lab taxi out of service for a week.


Murphy's Day.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Willa Loves Being in Eastern Washington

So this past weekend we made a quick dart over to eastern Washington.  The weather on Sunday was magnificent.  Sunny, warm, and warmer with the sun reflecting off the last bits of snow.....I stood outside, absorbing the heat, and throwing balls for Willa and Annie until they finally laid down.  It was great.

Willa has taken this household over.  She even gets Sage to play with her.  She steals Annie's ball, sniffs at Sage's food bowl, and snuggles in with me at night.  She came "fully loaded."  And after 5 months, I can not imagine our lives without her.

It's what labs do best.  Worm their way into your heart.

Murphy's Day.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Google and Privacy

This blog is on a Google "platform."  And I love using Google as a research engine.  But, on the day they instituted their new, let private, "privacy" rules, I noticed a picture of me, fly fishing, followed me around....

So, we'll spend a little bit of time trying to decide whether we even want to continue this blog, move it elsewhere, or just figure out how to get around the "thicket" of Google's rules.

Oh dear.

Murphy's Day.

Friday, March 2, 2012

Thursday, March 1, 2012

New Month

We begin to swing into longer days and shorter nights.  The girls understand...their late afternoon walks are later and later.  And we watch the weather reports, watching for the late snows and the melts....

We're curious how Willa will respond to the change in the season.  Crocus are beginning to bloom...and there are birds.  Willa loves to chase birds.

March blows in like a lab...

Murphy's Day.