Wednesday, November 30, 2011

The Orvis Shot

Orvis has a contest where you can send pictures of your dog (or in my case, herd) for the cover of their Orvis catalog of all things dog.  No matter how hard I try, I can not seem to capture a "still" shot of the girls which would get them on the cover (I have already spent the "winnings" in my mind...don't you think the girls want a new fly rod?).

Orvis did a cute little video of Betty White (found here) trying to get her dog on the cover. Maybe that's what I need to do!

That said, I certainly think the girls look "Orvis" in this picture....of course, not looking for the upland game....

Murphy's Day.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Sage Adds Spice

So, speaking of holiday collars...normally, Sage does not wear a collar.  She did for a long time, but with Annie, who grabs at Sage's neck when they play, I took off Sage's collar and haven't put it on unless I worry she needs identification.  However, she does get to wear her holiday collar, and when I put it on her at Thanksgiving, she literally danced.  Up and down, around in circles.  It was way too cute.

Of course, after her dinner, some turkey scraps, and way too much romping with her younger sisters, Sage, like any elder, headed for "nap time."

No matter what, though, she adds spice to any day.  Sweet Sage.

Murphy's Day.

Sunday, November 20, 2011


Right after my mother died on November 22, 2009, my Aunt Bonnie said: "why does it always happen in November?"

It does seem that way, that the holidays also bring enormous pain and sorrow.  This week I am remembering my mother and Murphy, both who died just before Thanksgiving.

So, we'll be taking a few days off to reflect and be thankful for our family and friends.  The picture above is of my parents, my Grandmother, Aunt, Uncle, cousins Mary and Tom and Tom's then-wife, Robin.  Happy times.  I miss my grandmother, aunt, uncle, and my parents....

Have a wonderful holiday and we'll be back on Monday, November 28th.

Murphy's Day.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Murphy's Day

This is one of the first pictures I took with my first digital camera (I was late to this technology).

It's been almost three years since Murphy died.  Two years since my mother died.  It's been a long long long several years.

I miss them terribly.

Murphy's Day.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Snow and Willa

I simply can not wait to see what Willa does in the snow.  Coming soon, I suspect...not in Seattle, but the mountains and eastern Washington.  Which is why, today, it's snow tire installation day.  Making sure this pack of labs travel safely, and that we can get Willa into her first snow!


Murphy's Day.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011


Labs love stairwells.  The corner of the stairwell gives them a high position to see everything on "the street," hear every thing in the house, and control the movements of the other pups.

Plus, it's a wonderful place to play!

I always worry that sooner or later someone will go tumbling down...but so far, after being in this house for 16 years, no one has.  So the tradition continues with Willa, realizing "this is the place to be."

Murphy's Day.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Problem Solving

Since Sage's knee surgery, she has become tentative on linoleum floors.  My kitchen.  So, for awhile I had a sisal rug there, and recently she has become tentative, again.

So, I spent a week watching her, and on Sunday, bought a bigger rug.  She literally danced on it when it went down.

My heart soared.

Murphy's Day.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Weekend at Home

We thought we'd head east, but finally decided the tons of errands were a higher priority than going east of the mountains.  Plus, there was snow in the passes and snow tires were not yet purchased much less on the car.  Errand number one: research and get snow tires.

Notwithstanding the fact we were in the city, the dogs found lots of places to play.  We had a wonderful Sunday afternoon with Murphy, Willa's sister, plus a nice walk at Sage's Discovery Park, on Saturday.

And lots of things crossed off the errand list.

So, hopefully next weekend we'll head outside.

Murphy's Day.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Modern Dance

In my younger days I attended a lot of modern dance performances: Martha Graham, Joffery, Merce Cunningham...but there is nothing more spectacular than two pups playing. Their paw movement, their expressions of joy and happiness, their intensity!

The Annie Oakley Dance Company.

Murphy's Day.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

My Gorgeous GIrl

In all the hub-bub of the new pup, I haven't said much about Sage.  The thing is, she is such a great dog, I really don't need to say much about her.  She was one of the easiest dogs I have ever trained.  And she still, even when she has her momentary lapses going rogue, behaves.  If she is off getting into something she "shouldn't" I can call, or rather bark at her, and she comes scampering out, looking guilty, sticking by my side...

With Willa she is making sure the young "mighty mite" understands who is top dog.  Sage has been through a lot, and I encourage her to let Willa know who deserves homage...she is my gorgeous girl.

Murphy's Day.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Monday, November 7, 2011

Connor Mark

My niece Brooke, had her third child (ok, she and Doug had their third child) on Saturday night.

Jacob, Claire, and Connor.  My brother has five grandchildren, as he says, "a basketball team."  I reminded him that his two granddaughters, Claire and Madeline will be the point guards, directing traffic in the family for a long time to come.

There is no more affirming statement to the world than having a child: hope, joy, excitement, anticipation, love....

Congratulations all of you!  I miss you and can not wait to meet Connor!

Murphy's Day!

Friday, November 4, 2011

Upland Game

I keep thinking I should train Annie to be a flushing dog.  I can think of nothing better to do (ok, maybe fishing) on a cold, crisp, Autumn morning, than walking in the fields with the dogs.  So why not give her a purpose?  Find quail or pheasant or chucker....

Annie: 0
Birds: overwhelmingly winning!

Sigh.  Ok, maybe just a walk in the fields will do!

Murphy's Day!

Thursday, November 3, 2011


Of course, nearly everyone wants to know how Sage is dealing with the puppy.

Sage established her boundaries early (she'd be a good relationship counselor!) and has not backed down on where she eats and where she sleeps.

But over the weekend, Sage and Willa were seen watching TV together, I kid you not.  Sweet Baby Sage.  She might not show it all the time, but she is the sweetest dog.

Murphy's Day.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011


One (of many) reasons I decided to get Willa (or to have Willa "get" me) is because her sister, Murphy, would live close by.  Three blocks east of me.  Sharon and Joe are Murphy's parents.  I met Sharon through work, she was one of the neighbors who retained me to help them with the non-function rain gardens Seattle Public Utilities imposed on the neighborhood (it's all about infiltration!).  It's Sharon's nephews who bred Maverick to Sydney and it was Sharon's sister, Julie, who brought both girls to Seattle.

So, almost every weekend since they arrived, Willa and Murphy have spent time together.  On Sunday, we stopped by on our way back from a long and wet (and as a consequence, muddy) walk through our favorite park.  These two just love to romp and clearly know they are a bond.

And, I get the joy of spending time with two great people, Sharon and Joe.  Truly, all great people are dog people!  When Sharon told me she was naming her pup Murphy I almost cried.  They never "knew" Murphy (I think Sharon may have met her on her morning walks years ago), so I got the chance to regale them with Murphy stories.  This pup has big paws to fill but will do it and more!

It's nice to have family!

Murphy's Day!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Lab Heaven

A picture says a thousand words.  Or a thousand hand-me-down toys that someone thinks are just for them!

Murphy's Day!