Murphy's day.
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Going to Hang Out
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Ode to My Fan
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Hot Dogs, Hold the Mustard!
Monday, July 27, 2009
Camera? Oops
So let's do this the old fashioned way. Just imagine two gorgeous labs running into Puget Sound off of an island, chasing sticks, romping at the beach. Then imagine those same two labs the next day cavorting in a mountain meadow, wildflowers blooming, the mountain a picture? Yep, that's Sage and Annie.
Murphy's day.
Friday, July 24, 2009
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Running Into Old Friends
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
I Don't Need No Stinkin' Leash
But, I've been hankering to get her a new leash and Annie a collar from my favorite company. Tailwags! So perfect for these two girls. A quick Internet visit and voila, Sage will have a new leash in a few days.
In the meantime, I found an old red leash of Murphy's that I bought at a wonderful little store in SoHo. I told Sage the story about getting it, the guy who ran the store who was great. Lugging home on the subway then train bags of dog food for Murph and Riley. Ah, New York. And this leash, bought probably 14 years ago is in great shape. Sometimes it pays to save everything! Most importantly, Sage is ready for walks.
Murphy's day.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
It's A New Day

Really, for those of us who have managed to get out of bed almost every day for way too many years, we can learn from Annie. It's a new day. Something spectacular, large or small, will happen today. And that is amazing.
I realized, too, that Murphy was like that, really, until the end. And Sage, while no longer as bouncy, still gets pretty thrilled after she has finally woken up. Yep, we can learn from them.
Murphy's day, a new day.
Monday, July 20, 2009
Changing Routines
Sage loved it. The weather was warm, but not too hot. She lolly-gagged out in back, keeping an eye on every move. She even celebrated her knee by going for a nice run in the woods.
Annie was doing well until the middle of the wee-hours of Sunday morning when she realized her body was oozing with energy.
Needless to say the luxury of sleeping in just didn't happen. How do you parents of young children do it?
Murphy's day.
Friday, July 17, 2009
Thursday, July 16, 2009
The Puppy Explosion
Murphy's day.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Her left knee seems better, her weight is down a tish, she plays yet rules the roost with Annie. I've doubted my decision about bringing Annie here, but I sense Sage feels ok about it. I suppose that is all that matters.
Murphy's day.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Monday, July 13, 2009
Friday, July 10, 2009
Play Date
But Pele's mom has been without a car for awhile, so meeting up for long walks has been, er, well, rather difficult. Whenever Liz gets access to wheels, though, we meet up. And it's on!
Annie adds a whole new dimension. She and Pele are now best buddies with Sage being, I think, just a little jealous. But they are a pack, working through their "issues," and trying to figure out just how many biscuits I have in my pocket! It's a lab's life.
Murphy's day.
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Visit to the Vet
Then Annie. She trembled, wouldn't get on the scale (she is 67 lbs), and tried to leave. We held her down, though, to get the needle in for a biopsy (we'll know more today), but the vet thinks it's an ulcerated benign tumor which will disappear at some point. We hope. But she, like her sister, does not like the vet.
Their treat? Meeting Pele at the park. Liz called, had wheels, and we were on! Two Yellow labs, one Black lab...running amok in the park. It was great. Sage was happy, Annie had a blast, made the trip to the vet all worth while (or so I thought!).
Murphy's day.
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Trip to the Vet
It's been a year. I am sure the vet, Dr. Mark, will remind me to get Sage's weight down. And I worry about Annie. But it is Sage who will have problems at the vet. She has always hated being in the building, much less try to be nice to the vet.
To the vet. One year later. Only a few months since Murphy's death. Annie has not been back since her shots. It all seems like some sort of milestone.
Murphy's day.
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
One Year
It's been a year since her knee surgery. She seems much better, but I notice I continue to remain conservative with her, cautious about her running, her gallivanting around. But I am tickled, no pleased, with her progress and sing praises of her vet. You're the man Dr. Mark!
Despite her uneasiness with the raft, Sage really is a brave dog. Defending her car, her home, her sister, me. And she went through the surgery without out a whimper. It was harder on mom than her, I think. My brave yellow lab.
Murphy's day.
Monday, July 6, 2009
We're Doin' What on the 4th of July?
So, inflatable rafts came out of the dusty garden room, pumps were found, and then dog life jackets. Annie's first time in one!
And indeed, on the 4th of July this armada floated down Icicle Creek from the fish hatchery to close to the mouth or confluence with the Wenatchee. Annie was fantastic, Sage, who has been in drift boats many times, was a little unnerved with the inflatable raft or swimming for so many river miles...but she did it and was quite proud of herself afterward, or at least was a heck of a lot cooler.
While we didn't completely avoid firecrackers we escaped most of them. We were still quite patriotic, gazing out over some amazingly beautiful landscapes. America. It's truly beautiful.
Murphy's day.
Friday, July 3, 2009
Happy 4th of July
So here they are in one of their usual habitats, the Wenatchee River. Staying cool during the 4th.
We heard firecrackers and fireworks last night. So far Sage seems ok, although she was anxious this morning. Poor girl. Annie, of course, oblivious.
Have a great holiday!
Murphy's day.
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Lots of Orange
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Back When Life Was Simple
Ruminating on simpler times and the 4th of July. Aside from the loud noises, I actually love the 4th of July. I like the romantic idea of picnics, horse shoe games, bands playing Souza, and that dewey-eyed patriotism. I remember Murphy's first 4h of July. A co-worker who had married and divorced well, invited me to her "country" place in Litchfield, Connecticut. For those who do not live in the greater New York area, Litchfield is "second home" country to the really wealthy. The ones who don't want their names splashed all over society pages, but rather go to their homes for lovely weekends of tennis, walks in the fields, birding, well cooked meals, you get the idea.
So off we went to this home, spread over 40 acres, a lovely little stream running through it (a trib, I think, of the Housatonic which Murphy and I frequently fished), wide open fields. Riley, my Wheaten Terrier found a cool spot on the gorgeous kitchen tile floor, keeping an eye on the meal, the kids, and the food. Murphy, on the other hand, went nuts. Sitting in the kitchen all I could see were streaks of yellow as she ran all over the place. When I finally left, I collected her, sopping wet from hanging out in the stream. We drove home, Murphy riding shotgun, with her wet puppy head on my lap as we watched fireworks from Danbury, Connecticut to Rye, New York. It was a memorable day and sometimes I can still feel her wet head resting on my lap.
Murphy's day.
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