Murphy grew up in New York, where in the summer, like clock-work, there would be a lightening and thunder storm around 4 PM. Never phased her.
Several years after moving back to Washington, Murph became agitated during the infrequent lightening and thunder storms we get. She would scamper down to the basement or try to dig her way under a bed. It was sad. Sage, who never grew up (except for her first 8 weeks) on the east coast, also didn't react to lightening and thunder storms until this summer. Where this weekend we heard several. And Sage shivered, pawed at my leg, and wanted to hide. Annie on the other hand was oblivious to the noise.
I think like all of us, the older these pups get the more agitated they become with loud noises. It's like my reaction these days to loud bands!
For the 4th of July I had to get Murph out of town, and I mean, wilderness. One year thinking, on the 5th of July, that I had escaped the firecrackers and fireworks, I was laying in my sleeping bag with Murph cuddled next to me. All of a sudden BANG! a bolt of lightening struck, thunder right over head, and both of us headed for the car! I suspect Annie, someday, will have the same reaction.
Murphy's day.