Tuesday, June 30, 2009


Ah the 4th of July. Always a tough time on labs. It was very hard on Murphy. So, anticipating it may be hard on Sage as she gets older and even for Annie, we'll bail out of the city late Friday. Maybe, maybe this will be the weekend to teach Annie about fly fishing.

There is always hope.

Murphy's day

Monday, June 29, 2009

Stayin' Home

Sometimes you just need some weekend time at home. The front yard was a mess, the boxwood in this picture were dying, a rotting planter box needed attention, parents, the list added up.

So we stayed home. And we saw friends: Cooper with Julie and Steve, Molly with Mariam. The house got some attention. We all ate well. I even indulged my lust: looking at an Apple laptop (nope didn't get one, yet!). And tennis. Annie's keen interest in tennis balls is inspiring me to play tennis, again. Watch out US Open!

It was a nice weekend. Prelude to the chaos of firecrackers, when we abandon Seattle and head for the quiet of the country. At least the yard is weeded.

Murphy's day.

Friday, June 26, 2009


We have a friend who will run her first marathon on Sunday. You go Stephanie!

But here, we're tired. We've been on a marathon of another kind for quite awhile. It's getting harder and harder to get out of bed in the morning. And it doesn't seem that the finish line is getting any closer. So we continue to plod along...

Murphy's day.

Thursday, June 25, 2009


Sounds repetitive. She's energetic. But the intense tennis ball chase worked. She slept through the night and even seemed a bit sleepy on Wednesday morning. A bit, I said.

Sage, on the other hand, recovered well. Ready for the day.

I think we'll be playing more tennis on grass courts!

Murphy's day.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Runnin' Hard

It's been almost a year since Sage had her knee surgery. This weekend I took her (and, yes, Annie) to a secret ball field (no off leash cops allowed) and hucked tennis balls. Sage ran like a slightly overweight outfielder. But she did great.

So I tried it again last night. This time I brought my tennis racket and practiced my rickety-old serves. After 45 minutes, my rotator cuff was about to fall off, the dogs tongues were dragging, and everyone seemed satisfied.

More importantly, Sage had been running. And when she didn't want to run, she collected balls.

Runnin' hard. It's good.

Murphy's day.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Honoring Sage

Yesterday on our late afternoon walk, I had to work with Annie. Poor pup, she'd been confined for 7 hours, longest she'd gone. So she was a little lab-wild, not coming when called, not sitting, you get the drift. Leash went on, commands made. And I glanced over my shoulder there was Sage, off leash, sitting, coming, laying down, tail a little tucked, eyes sad, worried I was mad at her.

She is a quiet and amazing dog, loyal to the end, protective (that's when she's not quiet), tolerant of Annie. And there she was, trying to show me how well behaved she is and perhaps showing Annie what I wanted her to be doing. Reminded me so much of Murphy.

Murphy's day.

Monday, June 22, 2009

So Much Energy

I know I will be writing about this for quite awhile. Phew. Does Annie have energy. I don't think she knows how to quit! I can run with her in the morning, she'll come home ready for ball throw, then breakfast, a chewie, and be at my desk ready for more play! I keep repeating that it will keep me young, right?

Murphy's day.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Do Labs Know It's Friday?

Not that I have been having a weekend, recently, but I wonder if labs know it's Friday? You know, do they know they will get even more time with me? Or that they may get to swim in a river, go for a longer walk, hang out in the back yard?

My Friday morning routine is to take them both for a long walk. Once the leashes come out do they know it's the beginning of the weekend (you know that Friday feeling?).

I am convinced labs do have internal calendars and clocks. The sense the changes. They know they get to stay up later on Friday....

Murphy's day.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Ready? Camera! Action!

Phew. Annie is always ready for action. This dog knows no quit. No matter what I do to try and exhaust her, she still has energy oozing out of her fur!

I keep mumbling that she will keep me young. I sure hope so because I'll need the youth to keep up with her. Last night when walking she did at least two mad dogs, you know, tuck your tail and just run around, that crazy look in your eye...mad dog. Sage and I just watched.

Muphy's day.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Growing Up

During our walk on Monday we ran into a woman, a dog lover, who hadn't seen Annie in quite awhile. The woman's eyes got really big when she realized this was the puppy she'd seen a few months ago. Of course, we then began speculating on just how big Annie will become...

She's growing up while still remaining a puppy. Still has all the antics of a pup (don't leave any socks laying out), still annoying her older sister. I think with labs the maturity part doesn't come for another few years...sigh. But that is the joy of them, isn't it?

Murphy's day.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Thunder and Labs

Murphy grew up in New York, where in the summer, like clock-work, there would be a lightening and thunder storm around 4 PM. Never phased her.

Several years after moving back to Washington, Murph became agitated during the infrequent lightening and thunder storms we get. She would scamper down to the basement or try to dig her way under a bed. It was sad. Sage, who never grew up (except for her first 8 weeks) on the east coast, also didn't react to lightening and thunder storms until this summer. Where this weekend we heard several. And Sage shivered, pawed at my leg, and wanted to hide. Annie on the other hand was oblivious to the noise.

I think like all of us, the older these pups get the more agitated they become with loud noises. It's like my reaction these days to loud bands!

For the 4th of July I had to get Murph out of town, and I mean, wilderness. One year thinking, on the 5th of July, that I had escaped the firecrackers and fireworks, I was laying in my sleeping bag with Murph cuddled next to me. All of a sudden BANG! a bolt of lightening struck, thunder right over head, and both of us headed for the car! I suspect Annie, someday, will have the same reaction.

Murphy's day.

Monday, June 15, 2009

What Labs Love

Water! On Sunday morning, Annie even whimpered when she thought we were not heading to the river.

Lab = Water.

Murphy's day.

Friday, June 12, 2009


It truly is amazing to watch a puppy adapt and adopt the household routines. For many years I have walked the dogs late in the afternoon or early evening. At the "close of business." Murph knew the sound of my computer being turned off. Sage recognizes the chair pushing back from the desk. Around 4 PM they used to get antsy, waiting for me to say: ok girls, let's go!

Yesterday I realized Annie is into this routine. She naps near my desk and around 4, she begins to notice every single time I twitch. She leaps up and goes looking for Sage. She also is very keen to the morning routines. If you think about it it's pretty amazing how quickly these dogs adapt and adopt, even without wrist watches or their own "smart phones!"

Murphy's day.

Thursday, June 11, 2009


Usually June is wet and somewhat cold here in Seattle, but the past few weeks, we have been enjoying summer.

Sage and Annie lollygag out in the backyard until it gets too warm, then seek out the cool hallway tile or Annie's favorite spot under a coffee table (when she gets up it moves with her because she is tall enough the table rides on her back! It's like watching ET underneath the blanket!). But they seem to enjoy the ability to play as long as they want outside.

Labs are amazingly adaptable dogs. As long as their pack is with them they are willing to try anything. And so it is with summer...all they need is their pack and, yes, their kiddie's pool!

Murphy's day.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Full of the Old Nick

It's what my mother used to say about anything that was mischievous, that they were full of the old nick. And that would describe Annie.

There are new house rules about closet doors (must stay shut), about leaving anything laying on the floor (if you want it stolen by Annie it's ok), about leaping on Sage (don't let her do it while they are both on leash). She is a bundle of energy that doesn't seem to quit.

Full of the old nick. And distinctly reminiscent of Murphy.

Murphy's day.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Thinking About Father's Day

I've never met any of my dog's fathers.  The closest I came were pictures of Sage's dad, Kain.  Annie's father is supposed to be quite handsome, similar to Murphy's.  

And Murphy's?  Legendary.  Houston.  A hunter.  Champion.  

Both girls seem fine not seeing their father's.  And their mother's for that matter.  I guess they do actually identify with their pack more than their litter.  So, I'll make sure they see my father on Father's Day.  Their pack.

Murphy's day.

Friday, June 5, 2009

The Things We See

Last weekend we went for a hike/walk.  Indian paintbrush was out.  

I have been thinking about seeing things.  Many things continue to be new for Annie, even Sage.  On Wednesday night I was eager to get the pups in water, it was hot hot hot.  So we went to one of our hush-hush spots.  It required Annie to step a little further down into the water than she has been used to doing.  In other words, a larger drop-off.  Like she did the first few days in our lives, she cussed at it for a minute, then dove in.  Now it is familiar to her.  But newness always brings out the tentativeness in us, the imagination of good and maybe bad.  It's fun to try and see things through Sage and Annie's eyes, to try and understand their anxieties, their fears, and of course, their courage.

And so, I am learning to see things new.  The drop off, the flowers, the heat.  Familiar and new, again.  

Murphy's day.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Wearing a Fur Coat in an Oven

Holy cow it was hot yesterday and the weather forecast calls for more of the same today.  I have two hot dogs.  It's hard getting them cooled down, but fortunately we know all the secret spots to take dogs to swim in the Sound.  Shhhhh.  Seattle is one of those strange places where dogs are not allowed on beaches.  I say ban the humans and let the dogs have run of the place!

Murphy's day.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

June Brings a New Member to the Club

Wow, we're three days into this month and all of a sudden we realized it's June.  Oops.  We've been distracted.  Sage and Annie have been oh-so ready for summer.

Our friends, Tad and Pam caught up with me yesterday morning.  Several weeks ago they lost one of their dogs, Nicky.  Pam and Tad rescue Airedale and any dog that may have a trace of Airedale in them.  Nicky was a gorgeous dog and we will all miss her.

So, they announced their new member, Victoria.  I met her.  An adorable Nicky look alike, 11 months, with a white blaze on her chest.  She clearly is delighted to be with my friends, who have two other dogs.  

We here know what it is like to lose and have to decide to "expand the herd," as Tad calls it.  And I can tell they are delighted to have this new, wonderful, gorgeous girl in their lives.  As we are with Annie.  It's great to have a new pup here in the 'hood.

A new member of the Sunset Hill Much Loved Dog Club: Victoria!  Welcome.

Murphy's day.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Staying Cool

On top of the stress of caregiving for my parents, we have entered an unusual hot spell for Seattle.  So, finding ways to keep the dogs cool is important.  Sage loves water, standing in it, swimming, drinking.  Annie will run, tongue hanging out, until it dawns on her that she is warm, really warm.  

Last night I decided the crate was too warm for Annie, so she got to try being a big girl, sleeping on her own.  So far, so good.  She left Sage alone and didn't wander through the house.

Tonight we may have to find the fans.

Murphy's day.

Monday, June 1, 2009

40 - Love

Sage and Annie have discovered tennis.  Old tennis rackets came out of the basement.  Tennis balls by the huge plastic ball full thanks for my semi-pro tennis friend Lolly.  And practicing my high school state doubles championship serve.  We did this for a full hour last night.  This is the result.

I love tennis!

Murphy's day.