Thursday, April 30, 2009

First 100 Days

Ok, well, Annie has been with us a little bit more than 100 days, but we thought we'd indulge in the 100 day hoopla!

It's amazing to me that she isn't swimming, yet.  Murph took to swimming like a, well, er, lab to water.  I had to teach Sage.  I carried her out in a lake, gently put her down and let her swim to shore.  I did that a few times and now, there is no stopping her in the water.  

Annie is getting close.  I need to find a lake that doesn't have a severe drop-off, or wade out with her...

But she has other lab successes.  She loves her tennis ball.  And of course her biscuits.  So, I would say her first 100 days are a smashing success!

Murphy's day.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Is the Computer Fixed, Yet?

I spent over 9 hours working on my computer on Monday.  Yes, that's right, 9!  The girls learned a few words I didn't even think I knew!  But boy were they patient.

It's amazing how dogs know.  They have sensors on our moods.  They know when to just hang close by, to escape out to the back yard or upstairs, or half-way in between, on the landing, listening for any sign that I am "off stress" and ready to play with them.

I remember with my Airedale, Alex, who was a puppy while I was in law school and when Doug died.  It was a tough first year for her.  But we became so close, if my eye twitched she knew what it meant long before I did.

During the computer melt-down, Annie chose to stay near while Sage escaped to the upstairs.  Both were ecstatic when they heard me relax.  I really ought to pay more attention to how I express my stress.  #@!%*@* doesn't cut it in the dog world!

Murphy's day.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009


Well, this is a non-photo entry.  "Due to technical difficulties."  I had issues with my internet and Apple had me archive then re-load the operating system.  7 hours later I have managed to retrieve my bookmarks, my documents (phew), but not my address book nor my photos.


It was a long Murphy's day yesterday.

Monday, April 27, 2009

River Rising

The Wenatchee is rising.  Only had time for a brief visit to eastern Washington, but spring is well on it's way.  Lupine is blooming.  Snowmelt is happening, the Wenatchess was filled with rafts and kayaking.  So the girls stayed close to shore.  Annie still doesn't know how to swim, but Sage is aware of rivers and decides not to swim rising rivers.

The apple and peach blossoms are blooming.  

River rising.

Murphy's day.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Hiding Out

It's been a tough week.  I've been stressed to the max with parent issues.  The poor dogs heard me lose it a few nights ago, hitting the wall.

Typical labs they both hid until the storm blew over, waiting for Mom's thunder clouds to pass.

I can learn a lot from them.

Murphy's day.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

The Low Growl Voice

Yesterday, Annie finally heard the low growl voice.  The voice I use when I was to assert my "alpha mom."  Now, those of you who know me know there is no such thing as alpha mom with the labs.  But, I try.

So, the little culprit wormed her way into my running bag.  A bike messenger bag I keep in the kitchen that has many of the accessories I need for running: gloves, hats, vests.  And she found a glove.  By the time I caught her, one finger was missing (I supposed I can now use it for fly fishing!).  And later in the day I'd taken off my shoes and before I knew it, one was downstairs!  So, Annie heard the low growl voice.  Sage reacted by coming downstairs and instantly laying down, rolling over and looking cute.  Annie knew better, she ran for the hills!

But, reminding me of how mischievous labs can be, Annie attacked the running bag a second time.  Low growling voice worked, she dropped the gloves.  

It's a lot of work.  She makes Sage look perfect!

Murphy's day.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Earth Day!

It's Earth Day!  Annie and Sage have their T-shirts, tickets to the concert, and are planning to help clean up  the Earth during their walk this afternoon....

Ok, no t-shirts or concert tickets, but Annie has been fantastic finding beer cans thrown in the bushes.

Murphy's day.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

It's Already Too Hot!

Sage is not a hot weather dog.  When it hits the high 60's she's already looking for shade and water.   Annie, it appears, it more like a cat, searching the house for sun spots during the day.  It's funny how different they are.

But it's nice to have this great weather.  I am certainly enjoying it, even though life is very hectic.  The sun always makes things seem better.

Murphy's day.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Taking Kids Pictures

I have a friend who has made a minor fortune taking school pictures of kids in Japan.  I kid you not.  After trying to get Annie to hold still for a picture with the gorgeous Balsamroot exploding in eastern Washington, I have new found respect for him.  Smile just doesn't cut it!

Of course, with Annie there are dozens of distractions: Sage, butterflies, flies, Robins, Crows, that darn scary Red-tailed hawk, the tennis ball, dinner, the neighbor dog...

Murphy's day.

Friday, April 17, 2009

They Added Something

Well, we had one evening of quiet, resting post-surgery.  And then, she reverted back to normal: toys strewn all over the house, digging holes in the back yard, staring down the tennis ball.  

I don't think she got spayed, I think the vet installed an energy pack!

Murphy's day.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Ok, That Lasted A Few Minutes

Labs are nothing short of amazing.  Annie came home from the vet, whimpered for an hour, slept underneath her favorite coffee table (she is getting a little too big for that space), went to bed in her crate, and in the morning, well, did you hear the sonic boom?  She was ready to go!

Toys came flying out of the toy box, food devoured, chewie down in a few seconds.  Amazing fortitude.  Anyone of us would still be in bed watching Good Morning America.  

These girls are brave souls.

But in taking an accounting of these last twelve months, I am ready to be quiet: Sage's surgery, Murphy's death, Annie's spay...among other things.  It's been a long twelve months.  

Murphy's day.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

We All Survived!

Ugh.  I really do not enjoy having a dog being operated upon.  But Annie survived and is home, resting, playing with her new toy...

I know it's not the last traumatic visit to the vet, but this has been quite the year with Sage's knee, Murphy's death, and now Sage's spay.  Hopefully that's it for awhile.  My heart can't handle much more.

Murphy's day

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

There's a Dog Under There!

I have been owned by five dogs in my adulthood.  Annie is the fifth.  You would think I would get over this feeling....but Annie is in being spayed today.  Now days it's a day procedure, not a big deal, I guess.  But it wrenched my heart every time I have to see a pup go in for surgery.

Our pre-op preparations are to play and play hard.  There is a whole sequence in these pictures, but I found this one adorable.  There is a dog under there!

Annie will be home tonight.  In my imagination she will be mad, hurt, sore.  But then again, she is a lab, and like many labs, she will probably forget by tomorrow.  

Murphy's day.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Spring in Washington

Well, the westside might have been the wet side, but it was Spring in eastern Washington this weekend.  Thank goodness.  

Murphy's day.

Friday, April 10, 2009


She is a whirlwind.  For years Murphy needed massive amounts of exercise: a run, then ball throw, then playing with her chewie, before she would take a nap for a few hours, then more ball throw, another nap, and a long walk, ball throw, dinner, nap, and a walk.

I suspect Annie is the same.  She can go on forever, and she still is a pup.

Hopefully all this energy will keep me young, or at least fit!

Meanwhile, Sage is trying to teach her to mellow out.  Yeah, right I tell her!

Murphy's day.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

She's Just Like Murphy

I find myself saying that a lot about Annie: she's just like Murphy.  But then I catch myself.  Really, they are also very different.  Perhaps I am looking for a bit of Murphy...

Annie certainly has Murphy's joie de vivre.  Wanting to greet everyone she sees, celebrating the day with play, unbounded energy.  We have a long way to go, though, in her personality development (as well as her training!).

I guess I should start saying: she's just Annie.  And that's great!

Murphy's day.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Loving the Sun

Yesterday and Monday, Annie was a different dog.  Of course, every day with a pup is a new experience, but the sun brought out a dog ready for action.  Playing was all she had on her mind.  

I kept the back door open, and she would zoom in and out of the house, looking for her next adventure.  Of course I caught her in the adorable puppy moments, trying to make acquaintance with every bug in the yard, dancing after a fly, chasing a moth.  And then she would just lay down, bathing in the heat.

Both girls sense the season changing.  Finally.  We're all loving on the sun!

Murphy's day.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Spring Means Balsam root

One of my favorite times in eastern Washington is spring.  Snow melts and almost instantly, small peach-fuzz sprigs of grass pop up in the fields, the calves galavant about, and then, Balsam and Lupine dazzle the hills.  This past weekend, on the southern aspect hills, there was evidence of the color soon to come.

Sage likes spring, although it always takes her awhile to get used to the heat.  It can go from 30° to 65° in a matter of a few hours.  This past weekend I noticed her finding shade.  But Annie.  It's all new.  And she found insects fascinating, birds a little scary, and the sun, welcome relief from all the cold, dark, rain.  I'm with both of 'em!

Murphy's day.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Long Days

It was a very long day yesterday.  The main mountain pass was closed, then slowed, so we took the long way home which was like driving 150 miles in a traffic jam.  The girls ate dinner at a rest stop outside of Leavenworth (Annie wants to know who Al Fresco is), but mostly they were stuck in the car from 3:30 PM until 10:00 PM.  Long day for them.

And they were perfect.  

As my friend who bred Sage and found Annie said recently: "better than kids."

Murphy's day.

Friday, April 3, 2009


Thought I would try my hand again at a video.  It's not good, but it was fun taking the pictures!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Reflections on ACL Surgery for Dogs

It's been over 8 months since Sage's surgery on her left knee.  So far, she seems to be putting her weight on it and engaging in her "mad dogs," without much pain.  But, since I started out hoping that we would be one of the 20% who wouldn't need surgery on the other knee, I have to admit I have been conservative in Sage's recovery and rehabilitation.

When I decided to proceed with the surgery I, of course, spent hours on the Internet trying to find out as much as possible about what her experience would be like, how I can make her more comfortable, the length of recovery, how to effectively rehabilitate the knee, and how to prevent a compensation injury to the other, already damaged, knee.  But, amazingly, there wasn't that much practical information.  What is even more amazing is that a day doesn't go by when I don't meet someone whose dog has recently had the surgery!  Truly, I am beginning to believe almost every pup is going to have it....which of course makes me more than a little suspicious since several years ago I'd never heard of a dog having knee surgery.  Oh well.

Some thoughts:

--Research.  There are two types of knee surgery.  ACL surgery, where, as my vet described it in her no nonsense way, "we just do what we learned in med school."  Essentially replacing the torn ligaments with, well, fishing line!  The other, much more costly surgery is Tibial Plateau Leveling Osteotomy, or TPLO.  The gist of TPLO is shaving off bone to use on the knee...well you get the idea.  It has a much longer recovery time however, according to canine orthopedic surgeons, it also has a greater success rate.  My theory in life is if I can't understand it I don't do it.  I read the TPLO information many times, had a friend read it, still didn't get it. I trusted my vet and went with that.  My research boiled down to talking with the vet tech who knows me, knows my dogs, and I trust her.  Simple.

--The best advice I got was to "stay ahead of the pain."  When we left the vets, we left with three prescriptions.  An anti-biotic, Rimadyl (a non-steroidal anti-inflamatory), and tramadol, a non-narcotic pain medication.  My vet will cringe when I say this, but I loaded Sage up on the tramadol.  I kept her on it for at least three months.  She is still on the Rimadyl, which I think really helps.  My vet prescribed 100 milligrams of Rimadyl twice a day.  Sage is a big girl, around 80 pounds the day of surgery, and I think that amount of anti-inflamatory along with liberal doses of the tramadol really helped.  We've now reduced the milligram amount of Rimadyl (75 mg) which most days she gets twice.

--Be conservative.  The vet will tell you to only walk on leash around the yard for the first few days, then gradually walk outside that parameter.  I held Sage back for well over two weeks.  Then we only walked to the end of the alley, which might be 100 feet.  Then to a telephone pole, then the next pole.  I didn't let her walk any distance until probably two months after the surgery.  

--Weight.  Yeah, this one is hard.  Like any orthopedic injury, weight is an issue.  We're struggling with that here, still.  But it's important.

--Comfort.  Sage got a new, stuffed toy just for her.  I slept with her the first night.  I did everything I could to help her feel special.  It helped that her surgery was in the middle of summer, so the weather was nice enough to let her nap outside, which she loves.  By the second day she was herself, begging for chews, trying to follow me all over the house.

--Attitude.  I ran into a woman several days ago who said her black lab wasn't the same after the surgery.  Ouch.  Sage, amazing Sage, took it all in stride.  I want to think it's because we made an effort to stay ahead of the pain, not letting her feel too much hurt. And I was attentive to her.  Take care of yourself, also.  Ironically, I tweaked my left knee trying to help her up the back stairs.  It took me several months to get back to normal, also!

--Prognosis.  Hard to tell at this point.  I think the knee is good, but not perfect.  She occasionally limps if she's been on it for a long time.  Amazingly, she is careful, herself.  She doesn't go upstairs as often, rarely leaps on my bed, and hangs back when other dogs want to rough house or play too hard.  Maybe she doesn't want to go through it again?

 In the end, I am glad we had the surgery, grateful that I went to a doctor who I continue to see, who I trust, and believe has Sage's best interests at heart.  I was worried that bringing Annie on board would be hard for Sage, given the traumatic year she'd had, but she seems to be careful on the knee, even when tempted to smack down Annie.  Now, I watch Annie's knees like a hawk.

Murphy's day.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

The Vet

No one can accuse me of enjoying visiting the doctor.  I come by my anathema to doctors genetically.  But I go.  Yesterday was my check-up, which of course, because I am of an "age," results in myriad other little tests, resulting in spending several hours calling various specialists organizing multiple hours of poking and prodding only to be told I am getting old, but still in good shape.

But the real reason to go to the doctor is to make sure I am here for the girls.  And in talking to the doctor about my unusually low blood pressure (amazing given the daily dose of ugly news these days, eh?), we both decided it was a direct result of the labs.  Lab medicine works!  It's the walks, the snuggles, the ball throws, the giggling I do when I see Annie unintentionally being comical, or my smile when Sage greets me at the bottom of the stairs at 4:35 AM in the morning.  It's hearing Annie's tail bang, like a big drum, against the crate when I walk in the door.  Who can not relax with these two characters?  Or when Murphy was here?  

My vet approves of the lab prescription!

Murphy's day.