As many of you know weekends are frequently spent in what is technically called North Central Washington, but we call it "the property." We got the property because, among many reasons, we wanted a place to let the dogs run off leash and not worry about "animal control."
For awhile Murphy loved every thing about the property but the neighbors who target practiced and the summer lightening and thunder storms. When she got so old and frail, she just loved laying in the warm summer sun, standing in the Wenatchee River, and waiting for scraps from the fabulous barbecue place down the road.
After Murphy died, Sage parked herself at the top of the driveway and just gazed.
But now, the Dos Amigos are in control. Once the dog bag is packed, Sage is out the back door, waiting by the gate. Annie is just getting the gist of this routine, but first, she has to make sure her dog food is packed. Just like Murphy, always checking to make sure the all important pigs ears were in the bag.
Weekends. Glad to see my buddy, Sage, excited to be and Annie, ready for whatever the world brings to her paws.
Murphy's day.